歌词 : Feels good in my heart in my soul 灵魂得以涤荡 身心无比愉悦 When you're right here beside me 当我发现你就在我身边 I don't ever want this day to end 突然就好想让这美好时光无限蔓延 We can watch the wave have a Coke 喝着可口可乐 看浪花与鱼群嬉戏 And you sit here beside me 而你依偎在我身边 Take a little long my heart of me 不用言语 就能将我心一点点占据 So we can feel whatever you feel 你之所感 便是我心之所想 Together we built together at 就让我们快乐的依偎在一起 No one can stop me when I taste the feeling 这源自爱的畅爽口感 让我深陷而不想清醒 Nothing could ever bring me down 让我快乐得从此远离忧虑 No one can stop me when I taste the feeling 这源自爱的美妙滋味 让我深陷而不想清醒 Nothing could ever bring me down 让我快乐得从此不再忧虑 Feels good as we stand on the shore 如站在迎风海岸般畅快淋漓 But our hearts are still jumping 心也依旧那么炙热依旧跳动不已 Grab another Coke and let's dive in 再来一瓶可口可乐 让我们就此坠入爱里 Yeah my love there's a song in my soul 我心内有那么一首歌 想唱给亲爱的你 When you are around me 每当你在我身边 You make it easier to sing it 我就想情不自禁地唱起 So we can feel whatever you feel 你之所感就是我之所想 Together we built together at 我们注定要在一起 No one can stop me when I taste the feeling 这源自爱的畅爽口感 让我深陷而不想清醒 Nothing could ever bring me down 让我快乐得从此远离忧虑 No one can stop me when I taste the feeling 这源自爱的美妙滋味 让我深陷而不想清醒 Nothing could ever bring me down 让我快乐得从此不再忧虑 Feel everything and sensed it 闭上眼用心感知身边的美好绮丽 We see the stars aligned 抬头望星河相连银汉相依 You make the simple moments last for a lifetime 再微不足道的一刻都因为你而充满意义 So we can feel forever 就让我们一起 感受爱的绮丽 You and me together 就让我们一起 Stay free forever 自由相依 And be real together 活出真实的自己 No one can stop me when I taste the feeling 这爱的美妙滋味 让我深陷而不想清醒 Nothing could ever bring me down 让我快乐得从此远离忧虑 No one can stop me when I taste the feeling 我深陷在这爱的美妙滋味里 不想清醒 也没人能把我叫醒 Nothing could ever bring me down 爱 让我快乐得从此不再忧虑 No one can stop me when I taste the feeling 我深陷在这爱的美妙滋味里 不想清醒 也没人能把我叫醒 Nothing could ever bring me down 爱 让我快乐得从此远离忧虑 No one can stop me when I taste the feeling 这爱的美妙滋味 让我深陷而不想清醒 Nothing could ever bring me down 让我快乐得从此不再忧虑