Norwegian wood.村上的森林

Norwegian wood.村上的森林

2016-10-16    06'19''

主播: 晚安英语美文 | 胖达西

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欢迎评论留言。 村上春树,日本小说家,英美文学翻译家。1987年长篇小说《挪威的森林》在日本畅销四百万册。 Norwegian Wood Eighteen years have gone by, and still I can bring back every detail of that day in the meadow. Washes clean of summer’s dust by the days of gentle rain, the mountains wore a deep ,brilliant green. The October breeze set white fronds of head-high grasses swaying. One long streak of cloud hung pasted across a dome of frozen blue .It almost hurt to look at the far-off sky .A puff of wind swept across the meadow through her hair before it slipped into the woods to rustle branches and send back snatches of distant barking – a hazy sound that seemed to reach us from the doorway to another world . We hear no other sounds. We met no other people. We saw only two bright red birds leap startled from the center of the meadow and dart into the woods. As we ambled along, Naoko spoke to me of the wells. Memory is a funny thing. When I was in the scene I hardly paid t any attention. I never stopped to think of it as something that would make a lasting impression, certainly never imagined that 18 years later I would recall it in such detail. I did’t give a damn about the scenery that day. I was thinking about myself, I was thinking of the beautiful girl that walking next to me. I was thinking about the two of us together, and then about myself again. I was at that age, that time of life when every sight ,every feeling, every thought came back , like a boomerang, to me. And worse, I was in love. Love with complications. Scenery was the last thing on my mind. Now , though, the meadow scene is the first thing that comes back to me. The smell of the grass, the faint chill of the wind , the line of the hills , the barking of a dog, these are the first thing, and they came with absolute clarity. I feel as I can reach out and trace them with a fingertip. 挪威的森林节选 村上春树 即使在经历了十八载沧桑的今天,我仍可真切地记起那片草地的风景。连日温馨的霏霏轻雨,将夏日的尘埃冲洗无余。片片山坡叠青泻翠,抽穗的芒草在十月金风的吹拂下蜿蜒起伏,逶迤的薄云仿佛冻僵似的紧贴在湛蓝的天壁。凝视远望,直觉双目隐隐作痛。清风拂过草地,微微卷起她的秀发,旋即向杂木林吹去。树梢上的叶片簌簌低语,狗的吠声由远而近,若有若无,细微的如同从另一个世界的入口传来似的。此外便是万籁寂静了。耳畔不闻任何声响,身边没有任何人擦过。只见两团火样的小鸟,受惊似的从草木中蓦然腾起,朝杂木林方向飞去。直子一遍移动步履,一遍向我讲述水井的故事。 记忆这东西真有些不可思议。实际身临其境的时候,几乎未曾意识到那片风景,未曾觉得它有什么撩人情怀之处,更没想到在十八年后仍历历在目。那时心里想的,只是我自己,只是我身旁相伴而行的一个漂亮姑娘,只是我与她的关系,而后又转向我自己。在那个年龄,无论目睹什么感受什么还是思考什么,终归像回飞棒一样转回到自己身上。更何况我曾怀着恋情,而那恋情又把我带到一处纷纭而微妙的境地,根本不容我有欣赏周围风景的闲情逸致。 然而,此时此刻我脑海中首先浮现出来的,却仍是那片草地的风光;草的芬芳、风的清爽、山的曲线、犬的吠声….接踵闯入奥海,而且那般清晰,清晰得只消一伸手就可触及。