Good Guys

Good Guys

2016-09-10    03'23''

主播: 墨浊

103 5

Good Guys - MIKA It's not the Cowboys that are missing anymore 不仅是难再见勇敢的牛仔们 That problem was already old in '94 他们早就在二十世纪末就消失匿迹 Don't be offended 不要误会 This might seem a little wrong 毫无冒犯之意 Where have all the gay guys gone 只是那些勇敢骑士去哪儿了? To the romance when I was 14 years old 舞勺之年的我曾梦想浪漫征程 To my heroes that was dressed up in gold 梦中的英雄一身戎装 视死如归 Only hoping one day I could be so bold 唯盼望终有一天我也能如此勇敢 Where have all the gay guys gone 只是那些勇敢骑士去哪儿了? If we are all in the gutter 如果你我深陷困顿囹圄 it doesn't change who we are 这依然改变不了原本的我们 'cause some of us in the gutter 因为即便我们身处艰难绝境 are looking up at the stars 我们终会仰望头顶的那片星空 If we are all in the gutter 如果你我深陷困顿囹圄 it doesn't change who we are 这依然改变不了原本的我们 'cause some of us in the gutter 因为即便我们身处艰难绝境 are looking up at the stars 我们终会仰望头顶的那片星空 So tell me 就告诉我吧 Where have all the good guys 视死如归的骑士哪儿去了 Where have all the good guys 何处觅得无所畏惧的勇士 Where have all the good guys gone 何处觅得视死如归的骑士 Where have all the good guys 何处觅得无所畏惧的勇士 Where have all the good guys 何处觅得无所畏惧的勇士 Where have all the good guys gone 何处觅得视死如归的骑士 Thank you Rufus 感谢朋友们 Thank you Auden and James Dean 感谢你们的一路相随 Thank you Emerson and Bowie for my dreams 感谢朋友们你们的鼓励和支持 Wilfred Owen, Kinsey, Whitman and Rimbaud 还有我亲爱的知己们 Thank you all, thank you patience 感谢一路有你们的耐心相随 Thank you Porter and Cocteau 感谢我所有的朋友们 If we are all in the gutter 如果你我深陷困顿囹圄 it doesn't change who we are 这依然改变不了原本的我们 'cause some of us in the gutter 因为即便我们身处艰难绝境 are looking up at the stars 我们终会仰望头顶的那片星空 If we are all in the gutter 如果你我深陷困顿囹圄 it doesn't change who we are 这依然改变不了原本的我们 'cause some of us in the gutter 因为即便我们身处艰难绝境 are looking up at the stars 我们终会仰望头顶的那片星空 So tell me 就告诉我吧 Where have all the good guys 视死如归的骑士哪儿去了 Where have all the good guys 何处觅得无所畏惧的勇士 Where have all the good guys gone 何处觅得视死如归的骑士 Where have all the good guys 何处觅得无所畏惧的勇士 Where have all the good guys 何处觅得无所畏惧的勇士 Where have all the good guys gone 何处觅得视死如归的骑士 If we are all in the gutter 如果你我深陷困顿囹圄 it doesn't change who we are 这依然改变不了原本的我们 'cause some of us in the gutter 因为即便我们身处艰难绝境 are looking up at the stars 我们终会仰望头顶的那片星空 If we are all in the gutter 如果你我深陷困顿囹圄 it doesn't change who we are 这依然改变不了原本的我们 'cause some of us in the gutter 因为即便我们身处艰难绝境 are looking up at the stars 我们终会仰望头顶的那片星空 So tell me 就告诉我吧 Where have all the good guys 视死如归的骑士哪儿去了 Where have all the good guys 何处觅得无所畏惧的勇士 Where have all the good guys gone 何处觅得视死如归的骑士 Where have all the good guys 何处觅得无所畏惧的勇士 Where have all the good guys 何处觅得无所畏惧的勇士 Where have all the good guys gone 何处觅得视死如归的骑士 It's not the Cowboys that are missing anymore 不仅是难再见勇敢的牛仔们 That problem was already old in '94 他们早就在二十世纪初就消失匿迹 Don't be offended 不要误会 This might seem a little wrong 毫无冒犯之意 Where have all the good guys gone? 何处觅得视死如归的骑士
上一期: Rude
下一期: 超能奶爸