

2016-02-05    01'54''

主播: 英文绘本故事歌曲歌谣

65 1

it was a beautiful day in Orange, Virginia 在弗吉尼亚州橙郡,美好的一天 and all the dogs were let out to play… 所以的狗都在外面玩耍… except a dog named Piper. 除了一只名叫派珀的狗。 Piper was afraid. 派珀很害怕。 He was the largest dog in the whole bunch! 它是整群狗中最大的一只! He could have eaten all those dogs for lunch! 它可以把所有的狗当作午餐吃掉! In his mind that didn’t matter much. 在它心里,这都不是太大的问题。 Piper was afraid. 派珀很害怕。 The floor creaked when he left his chair, 当它离开他的椅子时,地板都嘎吱作响, so all day long he just stayed there. 所以它就一整天都呆在那儿。 Piper was afraid. 派珀很害怕。 The other dogs all ran and played, 其他的狗都尽情地奔跑、玩耍, the sun was high and the horses neighed. 阳光很烈,马儿们在嘶叫。 But all this he missed each day because 但是它每天都会错过这些,因为…… Piper was afraid. 派珀感到很害怕。 One evening there was quite a storm. 一天晚上,暴风雨来了。 It was a summer night and the house got warm, 这是在夏天的晚上,房子暖暖的, and Piper, he was all alone! 派珀,它独自一人! Piper was afraid! 派珀很害怕! His family owned a lovely Inn, 它的家人有一个美好的小旅馆, and although they had invited him 尽管他们邀请了它 to come that day and meet the guests… 那天过来并与客人们见面 he stayed at home and didn’t join the rest, because 但它仍然呆在家,也没有参加其他的活动,因为 Piper was afraid. 派珀很害怕! Well now as the thunder grew louder and LOUDER 现在,雷声越来越大 and the big old house had lost its power… 这个老旧的大房子断电了 The rain slammed heavily on the roof and 雨用力地冲击着屋顶 Piper was afraid!! 派珀很害怕! Terrified, he crept off his chair 它战战兢兢地从椅子上爬下来 and wedged himself underneath the stairs. 紧紧靠着楼梯向下走 he was SO big that he got stuck there! 它的体型太大了所以卡在了那儿! PIPER WAS AFRAID!! 派珀非常害怕!! When his family came home later that night, 那天晚上当它的家人们回到家时, they pulled him out and hugged him tight; 他们把它拉了出来,并紧紧抱住它; then all six dogs did reunite! 这样,所有的六只狗又重聚了! Piper was no longer afraid. 派珀再也不感到害怕了。 I’ll never stay home alone again! 我永远不会再孤单地待在家里了! I’ll join in the fun and be as BRAVE as I can! whimpered Piper. 我会变得越来越快乐,越来越勇敢!派珀哭着说。 He meant what he said because 它这么说是因为 he was never afraid again! 它不会再害怕了!