#Miko说#-Visit London第一期-Trafalgar Square

#Miko说#-Visit London第一期-Trafalgar Square

2017-03-31    09'15''

主播: Miko^_^

1187 9

From today’s program, Miko will introduce some well-known and impressive(影响深刻的) scenic spots(景点) in London. Today, let’s come to ‘Trafalgar Square’ (特拉法加广场)first. A must-see(必看的) destination(目的地) for visitors to London, Trafalgar Square is home to(…的所在地)Nelson’s Column(纳尔逊纪念碑) (a monument(纪念碑) commemorating(纪念) Admiral Horatio Nelson, who died in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805), iconic(图标的) stone lions, and the famous Fourth Plinth(第四基座), which showcases(展现) commissions(使命) by contemporary(当代的) artists. Visit the National Gallery (伦敦国家美术馆), on the square’s north side, and be amazed by(由…而惊艳) more than 2,000 Western European(欧洲的) paintings(油画,绘画) from the Middle Ages(中世纪) to the 20th century. Enjoy a breathtaking(令人激动的) view of Whitehall(英国白厅,英国政府) and Big Ben(大本钟) from the top of the stairs that from Trafalgar Square lead to the gallery. Trafalgar Square hosts many cultural events(文化活动), performances(表演,演出) and shows over the year, and it’s also home to(...得所在地) the biggest Christmas tree in London over the festivel period, an annual(每年的)gift from the city of Oslo(奥斯陆,挪威首都).