

2020-03-29    03'08''

主播: 荔枝闲人✨🌹

266 3

作词作曲:赵若臣 编曲/工程/混音:懦弱男孩 It was you who started this 这事儿可不是我先挑起来的 with the time passes you 希望时间 I wish you could realize 可以让你明白 A duel was a duel 决斗就是决斗 and the show must go on 而这场演出远没有结束 Was it? 我有吗? I don’t remember 我不知道啊 Should I 我要不要 pick up another fight 再动手呢 I may 我很可能 well lose my temper 控制不住我的情绪哦 Try me 够胆 just step a little closer 你就再向前迈一步咯 Been a while since I busted this out 很久都没有倾巢出动了 so you’d better watch out 所以你最好小心点 I was at the edge of my limit 我箭已在弦上了 So careful what you say 说话的时候注意些 ohohohohoh ohohohohoh do it 动手吧 do it 动手吧 ohohohohoh ohohohohoh watch it 留神了 watch it 留神了 It was a tight angle 这事儿说实话不好弄 But I did it anyway 但爷一拍脑门儿还是搞了 and you’d act the same 如果我对你做了同样的事 if I did the same thing to you 换作是你你也会有与我相同的反应 I know that’s probably too much to ask 我知道这或许对你要求有些高了 but you are the fire I cannot put out 可你偏偏是我无法扑灭的火焰 There’s no such thing as an intact heart 没有谁的心是完好无损的 and you were the sweetest pain I ever got 你已经是我尝过最甜的痛了 so fuck off already 所以你就不要再得寸进尺了 Done with your manipulation 受够了你的摆弄 No way we can armistice 这事儿没商量 I’m losing my patience 我已经失去耐心 Been a while since I busted this out 好久没享受火力全开的快感了 but a duel is a duel 决斗就是决斗 get ready for the fallout 辐射微尘将会和你的每一个细胞打招呼 ohohohohoh ohohohohoh I’ve been hearing a voice from a different space 我一直有听到来自异空间的某种声音 ohohohohoh ohohohohoh mind on your breath and sharpen your blade 它让我享受爆发前的呼吸 利刃将要出鞘 It was a different world what I saw in your eyes 我能看到你眼中有个与我完全不同的世界 that you are up to planning on another lie 而且你正在想着怎么再撒谎糊弄过去 just another after another 谎言一个接着一个 probably for you it’s just the way it’s gonna be 或许这对你来说已经习以为常了 but that’s the problem babe 但这事麻烦就麻烦在这 This is too far 已经过火了你知道吗 you are going down 这次你完了 ohohohohoh ohohohohoh I’ve been hearing a voice from a different space 我不断听到来自异空间的某种声音 ohohohohoh ohohohohoh mind on your breath and sharpen your blade 它让我享受爆发前的呼吸 利刃将要出鞘 ohohohohoh ohohohohoh I’ve been hearing a voice from a different space 我不断听到来自异空间的某种声音 ohohohohoh ohohohohoh mind on your breath and sharpen your blade 它让我享受爆发前的呼吸 利刃将要出鞘