海绵宝宝又来啦 Race the waves "We want to take son the waves," SpongeBob and Patrick said. "Okay," said Sandy. "Are you brave?" "Look at us!" said SpongeBob. "We are great!" "We are brave," said Patrick. "We can take on the waves!" "You are not on the waves," Sandy said. "Look at us now!" said SpongeBob. "We are great!" "We are brave," said Patrick. "We can take on the waves! Look at us stay on the board!" "You can take on the board." "Let's race!" Patrick and SpongeBob said. The wave went up. "I can NOT stay on the board," said SpongeBob. "Somebody save us!" said Patrick. "Where are the brakes?!?" Patrick fell on his face. SpongeBob fell on his face. Race over! "I did not stay on the board," said Patrick. "I did not take on the waves," said SpongeBob. "That's okay," said Sandy. "And you can race again!" she said. "Yay!" The end. . .
上一期: Fix the Rip
下一期: Fox in Socks--3