Big and Little / See George Take a Job

Big and Little / See George Take a Job

2016-07-17    02'08''

主播: 爱看书的安小哥

500 7

今天讲两本好奇的乔治 BIG AND LITTLE The man with the yellow hat is big. George is little. This kitten is little. This hippo is big. His blue fish is little. This yellow fish is big. Wow! This gift is big! This ship is even bigger! This stack of dishes is big. George wishes it were little. These pajamas are way too big! What does George see from the window? It's a big bunch of kids! Come on in! SEE GEORGE TAKE A JOB See George take a job. George will clean today. What does George see? George sees some green paint. How neat! See what George has done! Yippee! George flees! Whee~ Be careful, George! George does not need a job. He is happier in a tree! The end. . .