

2015-06-06    01'56''

主播: 華胥夢

1085 159

岁末(节选) 此岁将息,寒冬沉降, 大雪交割年末残章。 街道绵软,但那室内灯光聚集, 锋砺那空气, 就像未及坚厚的结霜冰面, 轻微振扰仍可穿入水底。 我已识得那水畔劲风, 摇木叶坠落结霜, 就像疯魔之舞者,整个冬天振翅翩飞, 进入小湖中央; 葬于一种黑暗的坠落姿态, 为自身造就完美庙堂。 作者 | 理查德·威尔伯 翻译 | 光诸 Year's End Now winter downs the dying of the year, And night is all a settlement of snow; From the soft street the rooms of houses show A gathered light, a shapen atmosphere, Like frozen-over lakes whose ice is thin And still allows some stirring down within. I’ve known the wind by water banks to shake The late leaves down, which frozen where they fell And held in ice as dancers in a spell Fluttered all winter long into a lake; Graved on the dark in gestures of descent, They seemed their own most perfect monument. BGM:虫师