

2015-08-20    06'10''

主播: Sophia 英文工坊

2157 11

Living in a new country means experiencing a different way of life. This is very exciting and interesting, but it can also be a little challenging at times, because the cultures of all countries are unique. Culture is like an iceberg. You can see some parts of an iceberg---just like you can see some parts of a country’s culture when you visit it. For example, you can see different ways of greeting people, hear different languages and observe different festivals and customs. However, a much bigger part of every iceberg is hidden under water. Even though this part of the iceberg is hard to see, it is very important---without it, the iceberg would not exist. The same is true of culture. There are many aspects of it, which you cannot see when you visit a different country. For example, the nature of friendship and the importance of time. It will take a long time to understand those values and beliefs.