

2016-08-03    12'05''

主播: Michael-2016

101 8

马老师简介 ◆211工程院校硕士,拥有丰富的教学经验 ◆曾任新东方教育集团中学部主管、考试部主管 ◆ 多次参加高考阅卷,深谙高考命题规律 ◆ 中、高考顶级资深讲师,足迹遍及省内各地 ◆ 高考填报志愿专家(沈阳大连及周边城市高考志愿讲座数场,场面火爆) ◆ 曾任玖月奇迹教育投资有限公司CEO,涉足素质教育领域 ◆ 曾任北京巧口教育集团辽宁区负责人 ◆ 2015年创办汇博教育,并开设锦州、铁岭分校 ◆ 2016年联合创办思玛特教育,致力于英语学习一站式解决方案 更多精彩内容请关注微信公众号:hbpyxt 高考英语词汇3500 第二讲 本期要点: 1.首席执行官C(chief)E(executive)O(???)O是什么?2.汉译英“只有高分才能接近清华”3.accident表示“事故”,那么What's the meaning of “by accident”?4.姚明是我们国内最知名的运动员,英语怎么说?5.greenhouse、green hand 是什么意思,你造吗?[偷笑] 1. accept vt.接受 accept the gift /invitation /plan           accept sb/sth as…   2.access n.方法,通路,机会 The only access to the farm was a narrow bridge. Only high officials have access to the emperor. We students have access to the school library. accessible  adj. 可进入的,可接近的,可使用的 Such information is not easily accessible to the public. 3. accident  n.事故,意外的事 by accident/chance 偶然,无意中;不小心 4. accompany  v. 陪伴,伴随,伴奏         accompany sb. to the school/ supermarket  accompany the singer on / at the piano            Lightening usually accompanies thunder. 5. accomplish v. 完成,到达,实现    accomplishment  n. 成就,成绩 accomplish the task/ purpose/ goal 6. according to  根据     According to the law, he should be sentenced to death. 7. accuse vt. 指控,指责     accuse sb of (doing ) sth 控告… 8.accustomed adj. 习惯的,适应的,惯常的     be/ get/ become accustomed to doing          He was soon accustomed to getting up early. 9. ache  vi./n  headache / toothache/backache/stomachache   My back aches so much. 10. achieve  vt  达到;取得  achievement  n 成就,业绩;完成(任务等) achieve success/victory/one’s goal;  make great achievements 11.acknowledge v. 承认,致谢     It is generally acknowledged that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases.     Yaoming is acknowledged as/ to be the best player in China. 12. across  prep  穿过,横穿,横过,与……交叉,在……对面     She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed 她走过地板躺在了床上。 come/run across碰到 cross  v.  I walked across the street.;  cross a street;   13. act  n.法令,条例   vt.表演,扮演,行动,做事 act as  充当;扮演    act out 把…表演出来  action n. 行动       take action to do sth              put sth into action 把…付诸实施  active  adj. 积极的;主动的    take an active part in /be active in 积极参加 activity  n. 活动  outdoor activities  户外运动 actual  a.实际的   actually   adv.          in (actual) fact  实际上