Magic shoelaces---By Audrey Wood

Magic shoelaces---By Audrey Wood

2016-03-01    11'01''

主播: Sunny的专属電台

563 13

【导读】 Matthew jumps at the chance of an easy way to keep his shoelaces tied. The Trouble is ,shoelaces that don't untie creater more problems than they solve ! A humorous reminder that quick fixes may have their drawbacks, and that only practice makes perfect. 小朋友是不是都遇到过鞋带怎么系都系不好的问题呀,是不是好想永远不要松掉就好? 主人公Matthew有一天实现了这个愿望,可是接下来他似乎又遇到了更麻烦的麻烦...... 读完这个故事,Audrey Wood 也是想要告诉大家:遇到难题,多加练习,也是可以成功做到的。 Practice makes perfect!