美国小学英语阅读每日跟读Super Thrift 超酷旧物

美国小学英语阅读每日跟读Super Thrift 超酷旧物

2016-05-11    02'53''

主播: Zoe的美国学习之路

191 4

Jen had outgrown her bike. She asked her dad for a new bike. “Maybe the thrift store has a bike,” Dad says. Jen didn&`&t want a used bike. She wanted a new one. At the thrift store, Jen saw a bike her size. She didn&`&t want it. “Can I get a new bike as an early birthday present?” Jen asked. Her father said she would have to wait. Jen found a hat. “Cool,” she said. It was only a quarter. Jen found sunglasses. “Cool,” she said. She liked her new look. Jen found flowers. “Cool,” she said. She thought maybe the bike could look cool, too. Jen found streamers. “Cool,” she said. Jen found a horn. “Cool,” she said. Jen found a cape. “Super cool!” she said. Jen went to work on the bike. She fell in love with it. Now she&`&s the Super Thrift superhero!