美国小学英语阅读跟读The Tortoise and the Hare

美国小学英语阅读跟读The Tortoise and the Hare

2016-05-13    02'32''

主播: Zoe的美国学习之路

329 4

Once upon a time, there was a tortoise and a hare. The hare liked to brag (吹嘘,吹牛皮)about how fast he could ran. “Nobody can beat me!” Hare said. “Let’s race and find out,” Tortoise said. Hare wanted to win. He hopped away and left Tortoise far behind. Tortoise took one step after another. Hare wanted a snack. He hopped to a filed and ate some plants. Tortoise took one step after another. Hare wanted a nap. He hopped under a tree and fell fast asleep. Tortoise took one step after another. He passed Hare and kept going. Hare woke from his nap. He hopped to his feet and ran. He could not run fast enough. Tortoise won the race. He smiled at Hare. “Slow and steady wins the race!” Tortoise said.