

2016-12-26    02'54''

主播: 美旭英语

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大家好,美旭英语charlotte老师又和大家见面了,请大家抽出短短几分钟,一起跟随我的声音,体验朗读英语的妙处!!! Once upon a time there was a brave knight called George. George had lots of adventures as he traveled by horse across many lands. One day he came to a small village and met a man who lived in a cave next to the village. The hermit told the knight about the awful things that were happening there. A terrible dragon had come to live in the lake and attacked the village every day. The villagers didn’t know what to do. First, they gave the dragon all their food, but the dragon just took the food and still attacked the village. So then the villagers gave the dragon all the animals from their farms. The dragon took all the animals, but continued to attack the villagers. So then they gave the dragon all their gold and jewels. The dragon took all their money, but still was not satisfied. The king sent his army to try and capture the dragon, but the dragon was too strong and the knights of the army were too scared and they ran away. With nothing left to give, the king could only think of one thing to help protect his people. He sent his only daughter, the princess, to the lake to wait for the dragon. When George heard this he rode as fast as he could to the lake. Just then the dragon jumped out from the lake and was going to eat the princess. George attacked the dragon. He fought very bravely, won the fight and killed the dragon. George and the princess returned to the village and everyone was very pleased that they would have no more problems with the dragon. Today, the story of George’s bravery is remembered and George is known as the patron saint of many countries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 译文: Once upon a time there was a brave knight called George. George had lots of adventures as he traveled by horse across many lands. 很久很久以前,有一位勇敢的骑士,叫做乔治。因为他骑着马游历过很多很多地方,所以他有很多奇遇的经历。 One day he came to a small village and met a man who lived in a cave next to the village. 一天,他来到一个小村庄,遇到了一个住在村子旁边的洞穴里面的隐士。 The hermit told the knight about the awful things that were happening there. A terrible dragon had come to live in the lake and attacked the village every day. 这位隐士告诉了骑士这个村庄正在发生的一件十分可怕的事:一只恶龙突然住进了这里的湖里,并且每天都会攻击村民。 The villagers didn’t know what to do. First, they gave the dragon all their food, but the dragon just took the food and still attacked the village. 村民们对这条恶龙束手无策。刚开始,他们把自己所有的食物都献给恶龙,但这恶龙吃掉所有食物不说,依旧攻击村民。 So then the villagers gave the dragon all the animals from their farms. The dragon took all the animals, but continued to attack the villagers. 随后,村们们又献出了他们农场里面的所有动物。同样的,恶龙吃掉了所有的动物,仍继续攻击村民。 So then they gave the dragon all their gold and jewels. The dragon took all their money, but still was not satisfied. 没办法,村们们又献给恶龙他们所有的金子和珠宝。恶龙把他们的钱财一卷而空,但却依旧不满意。 The king sent his army to try and capture the dragon, but the dragon was too strong and the knights of the army were too scared and they ran away. 国王这时尝试着派出军队去捉拿恶龙,但恶龙体型庞大,并且军队的武士们太惧怕这只恶龙,都跑掉了。 With nothing left to give, the king could only think of one thing to help protect his people. He sent his only daughter, the princess, to the lake to wait for the dragon. 国王已经再没有什么东西可以给恶龙的了,无奈之下只能把自己唯一的女儿,公主,送到湖边等待着恶龙。 When George heard this he rode as fast as he could to the lake. Just then the dragon jumped out from the lake and was going to eat the princess. 乔治听说后,快马加鞭以最快的速度到达了湖边。正在这时,巨龙一下子窜出湖面准备吃掉公主。 George attacked the dragon. He fought very bravely, won the fight and killed the dragon. George and the princess returned to the village and everyone was very pleased that they would have no more problems with the dragon. 乔治果断出手攻击巨龙,毫无畏惧。最终,他赢了这张斗争,并将恶龙击杀。乔治和公主返回村庄,所有人都非常高兴,因为再也不用担心恶龙的问题了。 Today, the story of George’s bravery is remembered and George is known as the patron saint of many countries. 直到今天,人们都铭记这个述说乔治过人的勇气的故事,乔治(这个名字)也因此被很多国家奉为守护神。 今天的小故事你听懂了吗? 本期小词汇知识请关注美旭英语公众号:maxengedu 另外还有美旭英语官方微博:美旭英语;天天不定时更新哦!