

2016-03-19    03'29''

主播: Yuxuanji

1159 21

我们的潜力没有边界,生命不息,希望不止。 万物理论(the theory of everything): “It is clear that we are just an advanced breed of primates,on a minor planet orbiting around a very average star,in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies.But,ever since the dawn of civilization,people have craved for an understanding of the underlying order of the world.There ought to be something very special about the boundary conditions of the universe.And what can be more special than that there is no boundary?And there should be no boundary to human endeavor.We are all different.However bad life may seem,there is always something you can do,and succeed at.While there is life,there is hope.” 我们人类也不过是高级灵长类动物,生活在一颗小星球上,绕着一颗普通的恒星转动,我们生活的银河系之外还有上亿个星系,然而,自人类文明诞生以来,人们就没有停止过对世界根本规律的探索,宇宙的边界是什么,肯定有个特别的答案,但是还有比没有边界更特别的答案吗?同样,人类的潜力也不会有边界,我们都是与众不同的,无论生活多么艰辛,你总会有自己的方式发光。生命不息,希望不止。 重录了很多次,有点长,念太快好像会听不清,录了几次,选了这个,这个可能会有点慢~打字好累哦😐 爱你们😊