

2015-12-25    02'23''

主播: 惜皙

716 21

We won't have a Christmas this year, you say For now friends have all gone away; And the future is so lonely, so bare and so quiet We won't have a Christmas this year, you sigh For the memory is so Sweet , and now we just stay along recall the time we singing, dancing, and we chatting, we laughing We won't have a Christmas this year you weep, For a loved is gone, and our missing is too deep; It will be a long time before our hearts heal, And it will be long time to accept new But if we refuse Christmas we will never have the really happiness For once you have had it, it can not depart then. you know. the true emotion is love in your heart. 你说我们今年不过圣诞了吧, 因为朋友们都已经离去 未来。又是那么的孤独,空虚,寂静 你叹息道,我们今年不过圣诞了吧! 因为记忆中是那么的美好,到现在我们孑然一身 回忆我们轻歌曼舞,谈笑风生 你啜泣道,我们今年不过圣诞了吧! 因为那份爱已不在,而我们的思念,那么绵长 需要很长时间来愈合,再抱有期待 但如果我们真的拒绝 便是我们从未拥有过真正的幸福 因为只要你曾拥有,天地长存 因为真正的情感,深藏你心。