

2017-06-25    02'45''

主播: 白鱼Fiasili

550 18

一个草稿,之后可能会重新混音,也可能不会。 蜉蝣之羽,衣裳楚楚。心之憂矣,於我歸處。 蜉蝣之翼,采采衣服。心之憂矣,於我歸息。 蜉蝣掘閱,麻衣如雪。心之憂矣,於我歸說。 The wings of the ephemera, Are robes, bright and splendid. My heart is grieved; – Would they but come and abide with me! The wings of the ephemera, Are robes, variously adorned. My heart is grieved; – Would they but come and rest with me! The ephemera bursts from its hole, With a robe of hemp like snow. My heart is grieved; – Would they but come and lodge with me!