走遍美国0101(上)  码头采风求照片

走遍美国0101(上) 码头采风求照片

2016-08-16    14'36''

主播: Sophia的英语学堂

1859 44

46 Linden Street 

Excuse me. My name is Richard Stewart.
I&`&m a photographer.
 May I take a picture of you and your little boy? What&`&s it for? 
It is for a book. 
You&`&re writing a book? 
It&`&s a book of pictures. 
I call it Family Album, U.S.A. 
Oh, that&`&s a nice idea. Well, it&`&s fine if you take our picture. 
I&`&m Martha Vann. 
Thank you. I appreciate your help. 
I am Richard. What&`&s your name? 
How old are you, Gerald? 
 And where do you live? We live in California. 
Well, welcome to New York. 
OK, just a second. 
I&`&m almost ready here. 
Can I help you? 
 Oh, please. 
Hold Gerald&`&s hand, please. 
Now point to the buildings. 
Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! 
Thank you, Gerald. 
And thank you, Mrs. Vann. 
 Oh, my pleasure.
We&`&ll be looking for your book. 
Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald. 
Thanks again. 更多信息和课程,请关注: 微信公众号:ettalk365 小助理Daisy微信:lovingyou1993-