Ep. 2 What Have You Been Playing

Ep. 2 What Have You Been Playing

2016-06-15    13'11''

主播: 小扎老师

685 12

这一期,我们谈很多很多东西,such as:游戏的英文名字,怎么用like,V和W的正确发音,还有一个嘉宾来说说她最近玩什么游戏!赶快进来啊! 喜欢本节目?加入QQ群陪小扎老师玩儿!QQ群号:471186171 别忘记跟朋友们分享节目!I will love you if you do. Playlist 播放表列 Shadow of the Beast (1989) – Intro Pokemon (1996) – Theme, Battle vs Trainer Silent Hill (1999) – Killing Time Sonic and Knuckles (1994) – Mushroom Hill Zone Act 1 Spelunky (2012) – Cloudberry Castle, Mollusc Zach: Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of “What Have You Been Playing?”, where we study a little bit of English through one of my favorite hobbies: video games! My name is Zach and I’m your host. 扎克:大家好,欢迎收听今天的节目!今天我们要练习一个非常有用的短语来描述游戏的玩法和感觉,这个短语就是:it’s like。我立刻举个例子吧:Overwatch is like Team Fortress 2. 这句话是什么意思呢?就是“《守望先锋》跟《军团要塞2》很像”!我们用英语在对比东西时会经常这么说,而且,用着“it’s like”来描述别人没玩过的游戏很有效,因为这样他们可以从自己的经验来理解游戏是什么样子。可是这样还是不够啊,当然还要来说几句补充! Zach: Today, we have a couple of games to talk about. First I am going to tell you these games’ names so you can listen for them later on. 扎克:今天我们要讨论几个游戏。我先将这些游戏的名字和别的专有名词告诉你,这样你们在听英语对话的时候,会着重zhuo2zhong4听游戏的名字。 God of War – 战神 Wolverine – 金钢狼 X-Men – X战警 Alien – 异形 Animal Crossing New Leaf – 动物之森3DS The Sims – 模拟人生 Zach: Okay, so what have I been playing? Before I get into that, I am going to give you some questions. If you can answer these questions after listening to me once, congratulations! Be sure to leave a comment letting me know. If not, it’s okay, I will give you some key words and key phrases to practice. 扎克:我来回答这个问题“what have you been playing?”之前,我先要问你几个问题。如果你能正确地回答这几个问题,说明你听懂了!务必留言通知小扎老师。有几个地方你没听懂的话,没有关系,录音结束时我们会学到几个关键词和短语。 Zach: The questions are… What is the name of the game I have been playing? How old is it? What kind of game is it? What is the main character’s name? Is the game difficult? Zach: It’s time to ask the question! What have you been playing? Well, I just got a brand new game called “Shadow of the Beast” for PlayStation 4. This game is really interesting because it’s a remake, or a reimagining, of a game from 1989. “Shadow of the Beast” is a 2D action-adventure game. It’s a lot like God of War because you fight lots of enemies and need to create combos in order to get a high score. The game is incredibly bloody and violent! Aarbron, the main character, uses his claws to annihilate enemies. He actually looks like a cross between Wolverine from X-Men and Alien, from the movie series. The game is not terribly difficulty, but if you want to get a platinum score on each level, you need to play flawlessly. 扎克:怎么样?大部分听懂了吗?还是有几个地方没听懂?我们复习一下几个关键词和短语吧!在学习了这些关键词和短语之后,为了保证你真的学会了,我推荐你们再听一遍录音。 Vocabulary 关键词 Brand new – 崭新 My Xbox One is brand new. 我们也可以说brand spankin’ new, 可是这说法比较俚语。 My Xbox One is brand spankin’ new. Remake/Reimagining – 重制版,重新塑造 The company wants to create a reimagining of the original game. Remake和reimagining这两个词的意思差不多,可是reimagining带着更新的感觉,跟原版不是很像,只是有原版的灵魂。 Action Adventure – 动作冒险类 I am not a big fan of action adventure games. 这说法很地道,说I am not a big fan of就是意思我不是特别喜欢某个东西,比如I am not a big fan of cats。我也希望大家能听到说adventure中的V声音,稍等一会儿我们要在讨论这个重点。 Combo – 连击 I got a really high combo, over 23 hits! Combo经常跟low或high搭配。 Violent – 猛烈meng3 lie4,剧烈 You are too young to watch violent movies. Annihilate – 毁灭,歼灭jian1 mie4 You can use a super attack to absolutely annihilate your enemies. Movie series – 电影系列 Marvel has created a very popular movie series in recent years. 也可以说game series,还是·comic series,还是television series! My favorite game series is probably Final Fantasy. Platinum – 铂,讲游戏时候是白金 Getting a platinum on this game is nearly impossible. 说英语时,platinum(白金)平时比gold(黄金)更好,是最高级。 Flawless – 完美无缺的,无瑕的xia2 She is absolutely flawless in every way. 在我刚说的那段里,我说了flawlessly,就变成副词了。再举个例子:he completed the level flawlessly with no mistakes. V和W的声音 这点特别重要!你可不小看V和W这两个字母。如果你是学习德语的学生,把V说出wuh的样子是可以的,但是大部分的中国人应该是学英语的,对不对?所以,我们要保证我们说V是有这个震动的感觉。为了确认发音是对的,必须要把上牙咬着下唇chun2啊!跟我联系几个单词吧。 Video game,不是wideo game。 Vacuum,不是wacuum。 Violent,不是wiolent。 Adventure,不是adwenture。 扎克:这期节目的短语是跟描述和比较有关的,是用like来比较两个相同的东西。有几个说法,包括: It’s a lot like。。。 Looks like。。。 Kind of like。。。 扎克:当然还有就是单说like,比如:life is like basketball,但是我刚才说的例子比较地道一点。我给你们说几个例子啊!如果你能翻译成中文,我下一期节目中会??感谢??你。 The cake looks like a building. I like painting things that look kind of like elephants with wings. I don’t know why. Video games are a lot like life, except everything is made a bit easier for you in a game. 扎克:还有录音中的looks like a cross between。这短语是什么意思呢?就是说两个不同的东西混在一起后的现象,比如:Shanghai is a cross between Eastern and Western styles. 你们能不能把两个游戏来描述一个游戏呢?留个言说说呗! 扎克:今天的节目快要结束了,不过我们还有一个guest想说一下她最近玩什么游戏!我们先过一遍两个生词。 Chill out – 放松,冷静下来 You really need to chill out, dude. Sitting down with a good book is the best way to chill out. Newcomer – 新手 He’s a newcomer to the MOBA style of games. 还有一种说法比较网络语,是noob。如果你跟一个菜鸟玩游戏,而且他玩的很糟,可以叫他noob!You noob! 扎克:好的!嘉宾来了! What have you been playing? I don’t play a lot of video games really, in fact I’m a bit of a newcomer to games, but I have been playing a game called Animal Crossing New Leaf for the Nintendo 3DS. It’s a nice, relaxing game that I can just chill out with. The game is kind of like The Sims actually. It’s fun because I can walk around the town, go fishing, decorate my house, and, really the most important part, make money. I don’t mean real money! Money in the game is called bells, you use it to buy stuff. There is always something new in the game, so I really enjoy playing once a day. 扎克:今天到此结束了,谢谢大家收听Unheard English。喜欢这期节目的话,麻烦你跟朋友分享分享,点个赞,还有最重要的任务,就是给我留言!小扎老师想听听你们的心思! Zach: Bye everybody! See you next time. Don’t forget to share with your friends. Happy gaming!