无人深空:Sky Man

无人深空:Sky Man

2016-08-14    25'29''

主播: 小扎老师

491 13

喜欢本节目?加入QQ群陪小扎老师玩,还是在微博上阿特zgilly-unheard聊聊天! QQ群号:471186171 微博:zgilly-unheard 微信公众号:unheardyouxi 【Monolith】 ~录音机~ Captain: Star Log, Entry 250, Galactic Time 5000 Hours. No sign of habitable planets. This region of space is… Barren. Unforgiving. A man could lose his mind out here if not for the company of his crew. Assistant #1: Captain! We’re just going to Europa. We’ll be there in a couple weeks. Assistant #2: I’ve got something on radar! The ship signature doesn’t look friendly… Captain: It’s probably just girl scouts trying to peddle their wares, pay them no mind – Explosion – Assitant#2: Captain… They’re space pirates! Anything but space pirates!! ~录音机~ ~录音机~ 【Red Parallax】 主持人:欢迎大家收听Unheard:游戏背景音乐。我现在正在旅途中,到木星的一个卫星叫木卫二,Europa,太阳系自由国度之一。我即将要开始崭新的生活了,真是等不及了啊。这样的冒险听起来是不是像科幻故事里的一样?所以呢,现在我就要播放一些有科幻感的音乐了,主要是来自No Man’s Sky《无人深空》这个游戏的音乐。 Captain: Zgilly! Quit speaking that mumbo jumbo and get back to work! Those space burritos aren’t going to cook themselves. 主持人:好!Okay,coming right up!不好意思,我得干活了。刚才听的那首歌叫做“Monolith”,接下来的歌叫“Red Parallax”。Alright alright, do you want cheese on that burrito? ~录音机~ 【Title – Metroid Prime】- Background,fade in ~0:30 Captain: Please, no, don’t! I beg of you, please! -Arrrggh- 神奇的声音#1:你找到ta了没? 神奇的声音#2:还没,船长,我们还在寻找宇宙飞船,船长。这些录音磁带里可能会发现一些线索(xian4suo3)。 神奇的声音#1:找到ta!NOW! ~录音机~ 【Samus Vs Space Pirates - Metroid】 主持人:刚才听的那首歌是从《密特罗德Prime》里挑的,也是充满了科幻的感觉,英文说science fiction或者sci-fi。《Metroid Prime》和《无人深空》没有什么关系,其中,一个是FPS射击类游戏,一个是沙盒生存游戏,但他们都是科幻题材的。 Captain: Attention crew: We’re under attack from space pirates. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! 主持人:没事,幸好我即将要播放的下一首歌是跟space pirates,太空海盗,有关的! ~录音机~ ~录音机~ 【Heliosphere】 主持人:也许你认为太空旅行是一件令人很爽的事情,但是并不是这样子。太空真的是一个空荡荡的地方,也是一个冷清得可能会让你疯掉的地方,所以太空并没有我们想象的那么活泼。 主持人:《无人深空》这个游戏,听说游戏里面有18 quintillion不同的星球。Quintillion我不知道中文怎么说,反正就可以理解为是无限的,或者也可以理解为是18后面加19个零的一个数字。Hello Games,《无人深空》的开发商,是怎么制作这个游戏的呢?是因为游戏里的星球全部都是用电脑程序生成的。真是城会玩啊。尽管在《无人深空》的游戏画面中的场景总是巨大广阔(guang3kuo4),还是却没有特别无聊的瞬间,因为你总是会有任务要去做,新的星球去探索发现,还有新技术去解锁。 主持人:怎么制作并搭配(da1pei4)出这么宏大(hong2da4)的游戏的音乐?这就是乐队65daysofstatic和音频工程师Paul Weir的问题。这个乐队来自英国,音乐风格是post-rock,后摇音乐。他们作曲的方法跟程序游戏的方法一样: 对!《无人深空》里的音乐全都是程序上的生成的。 主持人:《No Man’s Sky》的作曲家一点一点的录下了乐器和音效开出的声音,然后依靠计算机算法剪辑(jian3ji2)制作出全新的歌曲。所以《No Man’s Sky》里的音乐听起来非常的震撼(zhen4han4)。我们今天听的专辑是65daysofstatic理想中的音乐,可是所有的音乐样品是来自《No Man’s Sky》里的音乐。 主持人:我们正在听”Heliosphere“。 ~录音机~ 【Derelict Space Station – Metroid Prime】- Background 神奇的声音#1:厌倦(yan4juan4)了这个小游戏。为什么把这么多录音磁带留下来了? ~录音机~ *Clip from previous Unheard* 神奇的声音#1:套路,都是套路!都充满垃圾,谁会听这些呢? 神奇的声音#2:船长!我找到了有线索的一个录音磁带!您最好听听吧。 ~录音机~ 女的:扎克,我们一起回地球去吧。我爱你! 扎克:我也爱你,外星姑娘! ~录音机~ 【CP Violation – Half Life 2】 神奇的声音#1:GET THEM! ~录音机~ 【Asimov】- ~03:00 action 主持人:我从小到大,都一直看科幻电视,电影,书,什么的。《Star Wars》,《Star Trek》,《Firefly》,我都看过,还有科幻最著名的作家Isaac·Asimov。中国的科幻作家刘慈(ci2)欣我也看过。科幻的乐趣就是它能给你带来想象力的燃料,让你进入一个不同的世界。 女的:扎克,你够了吧!我们得走!我爸爸快要来 了。 主持人:好的,马上!谢谢大家收听Unheard:游戏背景音乐。让我们在地球上见吧!See ya later。 ~录音机~ 神奇的声音#1:Puny earth creature, you dare defy me!? 你等着瞧(qiao2)吧! ~录音机~ 【End of the World Sun】 Message from Sean I feel sick writing this. You are about to play No Man's Sky and I don't know what you'll think. I know I'm proud of it. I'm incredibly proud of the tiny team that is making a game at a scale that's never been done before. At times I can squint my eyes and see that we're generating entire planets, solar systems, galaxies on a ps4, and see that maybe that could be a part of how games are made in the future. At times I can let myself feel proud that our indie game is going to be in shops. That we have a media kit! That you are even taking the time to play our game, when our previous titles might not have. I know I've watched play testers get totally consumed in our universe... but I've also seen people feel lost. I've seen kids weaned on Minecraft lose themselves and I've seen some others feel lost. I don't know how you'll feel. I don't know if we can ever live up to the hype we've generated, sometimes knowingly, often not. I know my strongest memory growing up in the outback of Australia, seeing the stars at night, and feeling overwhelmed. Reading sci-fi and wishing I could escape into those worlds. If for one small moment I can make some people feel that they have stepped through a science fiction book cover, or to think briefly about the size of our universe...then I'll be happy with that. thank you so much for taking the time to play. I appreciate it. Hope you enjoy. Sean. ~录音机~ 神奇的声音#2:呵呵,有点儿意思。