MOBA?! 到底是啥?Ep. 3 What have you been playing

MOBA?! 到底是啥?Ep. 3 What have you been playing

2016-09-11    13'02''

主播: 小扎老师

437 16

Playlist 【Space Harrier - Intro】 【Herzog Zwei – There is no Time】 【Herzog Zwei – Take it Easy】 【Super Mario 64 – Dire, Dire Docks】 大家好!喜欢Unheard游戏?上微信关注微信公众号unheardyouxi,陪小扎老师进入丰富多彩的游戏文化世界!See ya thurrrrr! Zach: Hey everybody and welcome to Unheard! In this episode of What Have You Been Playing, we’re going to investigate a video game genre that I… Well, I don’t really understand very well. 主持人:没错,我们今天要探索的游戏种类就是MOBA. Zach: Wait wait wait, why are you speaking Chinese? 主持人:不可以吗?你对中文什么仇什么怨?~First blood~ Zach: Well, alright, although it’s a little bit awkward… 主持人:一点都不尴尬!对了,虽然我们不是常玩MOBA游戏之类,比如LoL,DotA什么的,但是我们还是对这些游戏很感兴趣。 Zach: Uh, right, hold on, what’s LoL? Did I say something funny? 主持人:没有啊,你本来一点都不搞笑!~Ownage~ 主持人:你不是说自己是玩家嘛?很喜欢玩游戏? Zach: Yeah, of course! I have been playing games all my life. 主持人:那你肯定玩过MC吧。 Zach: MC? MC Hammer? ~Can’t Touch This~ 主持人:CS呢? Zach: I mean yeah I’ve been doing a little web development and using CSS lately, but that’s not a game… 主持人:什么鬼?我说的都是游戏的名字! Zach: What?? Really? 主持人:哎呦,让我来教你:MC是Minecraft,LoL是League of Legends,CS是Counterstrike。这些游戏在国内都比较流行。 Zach: Oooh, okay, I got it. But, when we speak English, we don’t say these names like this. 主持人:好吧,那听众们要记得:跟外国人讲游戏,不要说简称啊,他们听不懂,智商太low了呵呵~Wicked Sick~ Zach: Ouch, that was mean. These games just aren’t quite as popular in America. 主持人:哎,可是你们用英文的时候会说CoD,blops,DotA,什么的。为什么这样可以说,但是说别的游戏不是这样子? Zach: Uh, yeah, that’s right. Call of Duty will often be called cod. Blops is short for Call of Duty: Black Ops, and Dota is short for Defense of the Ancients. 主持人:好吧,那应该可以说,说英文的时候用全名更合适一点,对吧? Zach: Yeah, that’s probably your safest best. 主持人:OK!言归正传,今天我们要谈的话题就是跟LoL有关的,哦,对不起,League of Legends有关的。~Fart~ Zach: That is correct! We will be looking at MOBA games today. So what does MOBA even mean? MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. 主持人:这说法令人很累,MOBA也比较好听。 Zach: I agree! So do you know the most popular MOBA game this summer? 主持人:今年夏季最火的MOBA游戏?嗯,这个,我不是很清楚。不是DOTA吗? Zach: Nope! This summer’s runaway hit is “Overwatch”. I know a lot of players really enjoy this game from Blizzard Entertainment. 主持人:等等等等等,《守望先锋》不是MOBA。 Zach: Yeah no it’s definitely a MOBA. Look at the similarities between “Overwatch” and League of Legends and Dota: you control one hero, they have powers, each hero has specific powers, those powers need to be “leveled up” in some way while playing… 主持人:好吧好吧,可是《守望先锋》和《军团要塞2》比较紧密相关的吧。 Zach: Also true. “Team Fortress 2” shares a lot in common with “Overwatch”, but I would say the gameplay in “Overwatch” is a bit more hectic. 主持人:是的,《守望先锋》太忙乱的!我们为了准备做这期节目就看了许多《守望先锋》视频,有一点。。看不懂。 Zach: Yeah, it’s tough to understand. So, what we did, was look more at the history of MOBA games. 主持人:没错,MOBA游戏类的历史很有意思。起源于1989年,一个游戏叫。。啥名字? Zach: That’s German, it’s pronounced “Herzog Zwei”, and it’s a game that was seriously influential. It came out in 1989 and had a huge impact on some of your favorite games. 主持人:啊对对,《公爵2》(gong1 jue2)影响到了两个不同的游戏种类:第一个是RTS游戏类,第二个就是MOBA,可是1989年时候MOBA这个名字还没有被创造出来。 Zach: Right, and that brings us back to Blizzard Entertainment. “Herzog Zwei” had a huge impact on two of Blizzard’s biggest video game franchises: “Starcraft” and “Warcraft”. 主持人:是的,但是我对一件事还是不太明白:RTS和MOBA有什么关系? Zach: Well, RTS means real-time strategy game, right? 主持人:是,RTS就是即时战略游戏。可是RTS类的游戏玩法更是管理士兵和别的战斗单位。 Zach: Right, in RTS games you manage soldiers and other units, as well as buildings and resources, whereas in a MOBA, you manage one hero. You can see the similarities already, right? Also, look at the camera angle in most MOBA games. It’s isometric. 主持人:就是在二维的平面上制造出三维的画面效果。给游戏画面3D的感觉,对吧? Zach: Yup! 主持人:对啊!《星际争霸》和《魔兽争霸》的第一代就是发挥这样的画面。这些游戏跟那个《公爵2》有什么关系? Zach: Well, if you look at “Herzog Zwei”, you will see that you control one unit, and you command or manage many soldiers and other units while trying to conquer the map, so it’s kind of like a combination between the two genres. And this was in 1989! 主持人:看起来太老了。~game over~ Zach: Young people these days… No respect! 主持人:不管怎样,《星际争霸》和《魔兽争霸》的编辑器相当于MOBA游戏类。 Zach: Wait… How do you know that? 主持人:在中国,不少玩家还在玩《魔兽争霸3》知道吗? Zach: Really? That’s cool, I remember playing that game a lot in high school. 主持人:你老了吧。~Dominating~ Zach: So yeah, the MOBA genre was kind of born through these map editors available in popular games like “Starcraft” and “Warcraft 3”. That’s how Dota really started, and League of Legends was directly inspired by the Dota player mod. 主持人:直到现在,这些两个游戏都很值钱!听说腾讯买了Riot Games的时候花了两亿多美金! Zach: Yeah, that was in 2011, but in 2015 League of Legends is estimated to have made over $1.6 billion US dollars. 主持人:个,十,百,千,万。。哇,赚了16亿美金?! Zach: Yeah, that’s a lot of cash, and “Overwatch” is making money hand over fist as well. 主持人:等等,《守望先锋》想玩得付钱,但是《英雄联盟》不用付钱。LOL怎么赚钱呢? Zach: Ah, very good question. It’s something called “microtransactions” and they’re really popular in games now. It’s pretty simple: content offered in the game is on sale for relatively cheap, like $1 to $10 dollars, and the content is usually just a cosmetic feature that changes the way your hero looks. 主持人:哦,原来如此。我买了20多个皮肤。 Zach: Although I may not really play MOBA games, and I even think they’re a bit too crazy, there is definitely something very appealing to the design of these games. It’s really exciting to be in such a competitive arena, and I think more and more games will continue to follow this style of design. The MOBA genre is not really very old. 主持人:是的,这个游戏种类还没成熟。LOL是2009年发布的,而它是MOBA游戏类第一普及游戏之一。 Zach: Yeah, it will be exciting to see what’s coming next. So yeah, I might not have been playing a lot of “Overwatch” lately, but I have certainly been watching a lot of it! 主持人:那就好,电子竞技越来越火了,在我看来这样的活动很有意思。 Zach: Well, thanks for joining us today everybody! If you’re interested in seeing some more about MOBA games and the rich history of this relatively new game design, visit us at! 主持人:你也可以关注我们的微信公众号:unheardyouxi Zach: See you next time! Happy gaming.