2015新题 PART2满分示例 Describe a childhood song you remember well

2015新题 PART2满分示例 Describe a childhood song you remember well

2015-03-02    03'52''

主播: 雅思口语Van老师

1831 102

2015年新题PART2满分事例 Describe a childhood songyou remember well. You should say: Where you first heardthis song; How old you were whenyou first heard it; What it was about it; And explain how you feel now when you hear this song. The child hood song that I want to talk about is “Mom is the best in the world”. I really think that it is really human touch.(有人情味的)The first time I heard this music was about 7 years old as a primary school student. And it is said that the song is an interlude (插曲) in one movie named“Mom please love me again”, which was a tearjerker (催人泪下) movie between 1980s and 1990s. What’smore, the typical example I can present you is that, at that time, almost every audience bursts into tears while they are listening to the music and watching the movie, which is mainly about the great and selfness maternal love. I remember that it was a cold winter evening. And I was having the music lesson at school. At music class, our teacher played the music “mom is the best in theworld” to us. After playing the music, our teacher taught us to sing the song.At that time, the impressive lyrics grabbled my attention so quickly. And the lyrics said “The mother is the best world, and we need to cherish what we have in our life.” And I was moved by the lyrics and felt guilty that I was always so rebellious at home and did not follow any reasonable advices my mother told me. Therefore, I decided to behave well after learning the music. Thanksto the childhood music which is full maternal love, I began to value the peoplearound me who loved me so much. Even so far, I still regard the childhood musicas the best music to extol(歌颂) the maternal love.