[10月预测]city: How are big cities today different from those of twenty years ago?

[10月预测]city: How are big cities today different from those of twenty years ago?

2015-10-10    00'57''

主播: 雅思口语Van老师

3138 134

Today, cities in China are growing quickly. Many people from rural communities are coming to live in the city, thinking they will find successful jobs. Instead, they are faced with unemployment and often end up living on the streets. Traffic has become an incresingly difficult problem. The economy is growing faster than the infrastructure able to support. Two decades ago, cities were growing at a manageable rate. 中文注解: 当今,中国的城市发展很迅速。很多人从农村进入城市,他们认为她们能找到很好的工作。 反之, 她们正面临着失业或者是以最终住在路面上而告终。 交通是一个正在增长的一个复杂问题。基础设施建设无法赶得上经济建设的需要。二十年前,中国的发展还是一个可控的范围。 如果觉得有用请转发给需要的烤鸭们,攒人品哦。 如果想要参与互动,可以加QQ群123911564 或者 新浪微博@雅思陶驷腾。 桃子老师的心愿很简单: 帮助每一个有梦想的孩子,早日和雅思分手!