

2016-10-09    04'52''

主播: 冬瓜糖🍬

505 9

The Double Vision 倒影 C. Day Lewis (1904~1972) The river this November afternoon 十一月的午后,小河 Rests in an equipoise of sun and cloud: 流淌在半明半暗的日光与云朵之下 A glooming light, a gleaming darkness shroud 阴沉的光,闪烁的暗包裹着 Its passage. All seems tranquil, all in tune. 它的流淌。一切都似乎如此宁静,一切如此和谐。 Image and real are joined like Siamese twins: 倒影与真实像连体双胞胎一般结合在一起 Their doubles draw the willows, a grown mare 他们的倒影画着柳树,一只成年的母牛 Drinks her reflection. There’s no margin where 正在喝着自己水中的倒影。一旦实体离开, Substance leaves off, the illusory begins. 幻象便没有了界限。 You and I by the river contemplate 你与我在河边冥想 Our ideal selves, glossed here, crystal-divined: 我们理想的自我,在此闪烁,水晶般灿烂 We yearn to them, knowing one sigh of wind 我们渴望他们,却也知道一阵微风的叹息 Will rub these precious figures from the slate. 便会把这珍贵的倒影从圆盘上抹去 It is not of their transience I’m afraid, 但我并不是担心他们的转瞬即逝 But thinking how most human loves protract 只是想到多少爱情总要将自己理想化, Themselves to unreality – the fact Drained of its virtue by the image it made. 事实便因为幻象太美而失去了吸引力 O double vision of the autumnal stream, 啊,秋天溪河的倒影 Teach me to bear love’s fusion or diffusion! 教会我如何承担爱的分分合合吧! O gems of purest water, pure illusion, 啊,纯净之至的水流,纯净的幻象, Answer my rays and cluster to a theme! 给我的光线与光芒(爱)一个主题! (1948) Comment by Iris 鸢尾评论 So that’s the poem. A beautiful portrait of autumn scene. Many things are based on illusion or image and not on fact. So is love. 美丽的秋景图。似乎很多事都是基于理想化的幻影或是倒影,而非真实。爱也是如此。 Thank you for your listening! By Iris 感谢你的收听!