

2016-05-20    08'13''

主播: 冬瓜糖🍬

409 12

亲爱的听众,我们今天要读一首法国诗人兰波的诗。 英文版: Romance  No one’s serious when they’re seventeen. ––One fine night, you turn your back on beer, Lemonade, rowdy cafés, their glittering lights. ––You walk beneath the green limes on the promenade. The limes smell good on nice June nights. Sometimes the air’s so soft you shut your eyes. Noise carries on the wind––the town’s not far–– And the fragrance of the vine, the smell of beer.  Then, up there, you catch sight of a tiny scrap Of dark blue, framed by a small branch, Pinned by some wandering star, perfectly White and small, trembling light fading... June nights! Seventeen! It goes to your head. You get dizzy on sap like champagne... You drift; you feel on your lips a kiss Fluttering, a tiny scrap of life...  Your crazy heart goes Crusoeing through books ––Then, under thin lamplight, in the cold Shadow of her father’s false collar, You see a girl go by, all airs and little graces. Her pixie boots take mincing steps; And finding you wonderfully naïve, She turns round, bright as a dart... The cavatinas you were singing die on your lips...  You’re in love. Booked till August. You’re in love. Your sonnets make Her laugh. Friends desert you, you’re out of fashion. ––Then, one night, the Beloved deigns to write...! That night... you return to the bursting cafés, You order beers, lemonade, ––No one’s serious when they’re seventeen, And lime-trees flower on the promenade. September 十七岁的年龄是浪漫的, 一个优美的黄昏,咖啡馆里 杯盏叮当,酒绿灯红中漾着喧哗, 我漫步在碧绿的椴木林下。 椴树在芬芳的六月之夜散着芳香! 空气是如此温馨,不禁使人闭目凝神, 微风送来街市的喧闹,城市就在不远的地方, 葡萄藤的芳香里加杂着啤酒的芳香…… 二 一小片暗蓝色的天穹, 小小的树枝做成框子, 被一颗小星划破, 那白色的小星带着温存的颤栗溶化了…… 六月之夜!十七岁的年龄,我怡然地陶醉着。 田野的不竭精力升上你的头顶…… 我畅想着,感到唇上有一个吻 在那里呢喃着,象一头小兽…… 三 鲁宾逊疯狂之心透过了浪漫, 当苍白路灯的火亮下 走过一位哼着迷人小曲的千金, 她的头被父亲那可怕的衣领罩上阴影…… 她仿佛觉得你无限地雅气, 踏着小靴跑开了, 又蓦然回身用一潇洒的动作打个“嘘”…… 于是你唇上的卡瓦蒂纳咏叹调停止了…… 四 你是个多情的人,使她感念至八月。 你是个多情的人,无边帽逗得她莞尔一笑。 你的所有朋友都走了,你却偏爱在那儿徜徉。 一天晚上,心上人垂爱给你写了信!…… 这天晚上……你回到了灯火辉煌的咖啡馆, 要了啤酒和柠檬汁…… 你是浪漫的,当你十七的时候, 当你在碧绿的椴木林中散步。(葛雷 译) 愿你有一个快乐的夏天 在这个浪漫的年龄里,遇到喜欢的人,要勇敢地去追求。 By: Iris