Light Me Up(将我点亮)

Light Me Up(将我点亮)

2015-06-25    04'07''

主播: 花点点a

24 0

Wind, darkness or cold ground 黑暗中寒冷的风 Anyhow birds need to take off 我们都要面对其中 What about the one been hurt 无论是谁我们都会被射中 No matter where it can't fly into sky 不管我们是否飞翔在天空 Shiny, bright or warm around 炫彩夺目温暖的阳光 Whatever I always feel in dark 让我一样觉得是在寒冷中的黑暗 Because love makes me blind 爱情让我找不到方向 I can not see anything 我的目光触摸不到这花的暗香 Can it help me read up anything 谁能理解我的迷茫 If I bury my eyes in darkness 如花开在无人黑暗的夜晚 Can it see the truth behind the kiss 黑夜中是谁偷吻你的发香 If god can tell me everything 上帝啊我借你睿智的目光 Cause I told that shit many things 我不在乎别人怎样想 "I will never ever change" 我还是原来的我 But will you never ever change 你也是原来的你 Turn me off 撕开这迷雾的黑暗 Light me up 将我点亮 Let me fly 让我飞翔 Leave the dark 离开这迷雾般的黑暗 Fight them down 我要冲破这黑暗 Clean me up 真的自我 Take me, fly 带我飞翔 to the sky 飞翔在自己的天上 Falling stone hit the ground 看见尘土回归大地 Water's watering withered grass 看见雨露滋润花季 I'll keep those beautiful songs 我歌唱这自然的美丽 I ain't gonna get my heart lost 不要再有那灰暗的伤心地 Can it help me read up anything 谁能理解我的迷茫 If I bury my heart in darkness 我的心迷失在无垠的黑暗 Can I see the truth behind the kiss 黑夜中是谁偷吻你的发香 If someone else told me everything 其实我也明白事实的真相 Cause I told that shit many things 因为我不在乎你们的目光 Like "I will never ever change" 我就是我,永远这样 But will you never ever change 你就是你,不知道会怎样 Turn me off 撕开这迷雾的黑暗 Light me up 将我点亮 Let me fly 让我飞翔 Leave the dark 离开这迷雾般的黑暗 Fight them down 我要冲破这黑暗 Clean me up 真的自我 Take me, fly 带我飞翔 to the sky 飞翔在自己的天上 Finally we beat the dark 我冲破这黑暗 Finally we find our heart 找的心的阳光 Cause we have wings 因为我有翅膀 Let's fly into the sky 因为我飞翔在自己的天堂