Endless Road

Endless Road

2016-08-23    03'18''

主播: 走读派

563 4

Though we ain't from the same neighbourhood, 虽然我们来自不同城市不同街区 we ain't expressing ourselves in the same words 我们用不同的词句表达自我 but today we raising the game together 但今天我们将一起升华 cuz for once in a life time, 因为一生仅此一次 we been heading down the same road 我们走着相同的路 Let me tell you all a lil story about this boy. what happened before those imaginary glories 这是关于一个小男孩的故事,在所有臆想光环之前 Since the second he was born this poor kid's been forced with no choice, no delivering voices 从出生开始,可怜的孩子就失去选择的权利,声音无处传达 What an explorer he was and of course what he ever does now's wonder how to move on 曾经的探险家,现在当然已茫然无助 Lost in the forest like a torture, he had to close his eyes and not knowin what's goin on 迷失在森林,犹如受刑,他不得不闭上双眼封闭自我 But the most fortunate happening's when he's looking forward, what he saw s black, without a future, 但幸运的是,当前方一片黑暗没有未来时, that there's a beautiful thing that's called music, and it heals him, get him outta confusions 美丽的事物降临,音乐治愈了他,令他摆脱困惑 So he decide to head down just to find out how far he can reach down this endless road 因此他决定探索,探索这条无尽的路究竟能走多远 It's about time to say goodbye to the old self, no look back, he goes "Adios!" 与以前的自己道别,不回头,毅然挥手说再见 这条旅途风浪再大我不怕 我用彩虹蜡笔勾勒生活这幅画 Even though we had been suffering from storm and fire, they never kill us, finally we will survive 尽管经历风暴与烈火,我们终究不会倒下 跌倒不怕就算爬起再倒下 这条无止尽的路依旧在脚下 And frustration became motivation, we taking a leap of faith only once in life 挫折变作动力,一生仅此一次,让信仰飞跃脚下 这是我和Big D的第一次合体 说唱的哲理 它不是说说而已 虽然我们来自不同的城市 唱着不同的文字 但是我们的内心相同诚挚 代表相同层次 有过一些感情也曾为失去而害怕 回想起来只是那时候的自己太傻 有过一些朋友 可是他们现在在哪 哼 我只能笑笑 当初的友谊 太假 在这孤独的路途 匍匐 累了我就放慢步幅 偶尔也会驻足 回想起那些父母的嘱咐 朋友的祝福 或许不想浪费时间沦为冢中枯骨 所以渐渐我就变成了现代的李白杜甫 描绘沿途的风景 书写对未来的憧憬 当然也会愤世嫉俗地诉说社会各种不公平 写过太多的关于路的主题不在乎再多一次 因为前方这条无止尽的路我只走一次 这条旅途风浪再大我不怕 我用彩虹蜡笔勾勒生活这幅画 Even though we had been suffering from storm and fire, they never kill us, finally we will survive 尽管经历风暴与烈火,我们终究不会倒下 跌倒不怕就算爬起再倒下 这条无止尽的路依旧在脚下 And frustration became motivation, we taking a leap of faith only once in life 挫折变作动力,一生仅此一次,让信仰飞跃脚下 Now it's been blurry when I was twirling my world like a whirlwind, swirled in a curse, hurled in the truth 曾经的天旋地转现在已经在记忆中模糊不清 若干年后回首这条路的故事 我会为它注上一段最完美的注释 No regret, learn with a lil respect we earned through eternal journey, worth these steps ahead 不后悔,伴随挣得的一丝尊重,在无止境的旅途中不断进步,向前的每一步都值得 流过了汗水 挥洒过泪 就算疲惫 绝对不睡 依旧向前不后退 这条旅途风浪再大我不怕 我用彩虹蜡笔勾勒生活这幅画 Even though we had been suffering from storm and fire, they never kill us, finally we will survive 尽管经历风暴与烈火,我们终究不会倒下 跌倒不怕就算爬起再倒下 这条无止尽的路依旧在脚下 And frustration became motivation, we taking a leap of faith only once in life 挫折变作动力,一生仅此一次,让信仰飞跃脚下
上一期: Beyond the memory
下一期: LUBOV