

2018-03-07    03'32''

主播: 熊叔英语

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weixin搜索“熊叔英语”,和熊叔每日乐学英语! 独自生活 独自生活,算是每一个人成年后所面临的第一个挑战,初时或许会有些笨拙,总是出错,但一旦跨越这道关卡,再回过头体会来时的路,一定会觉得受益良多。今天熊叔找来了一组漫画展示独自生活的几个片段,看看哪一幅戳中了你的心? Living alone, with heavier financial burden, you learn that better managing your money is important. Living with family, the help from your parents can be the excuse for you to ignore financial management. 独自生活,沉重的经济负担促使你懂得财务管理的重要性。 与家人生活,父母的帮助就是你逃避财务管理的借口。 Living alone, you learn to do all kinds of household chores for taking care of yourself. Living with family, your mom takes care of you well. 独自生活,你要学习各种家务来照顾自己。 与家人生活,你的妈妈会照顾你。 Living alone, you learn to brave the worst. Living with family, you can hide in a shelter. 独自生活,你会学会承担最坏的结果。 与家人生活,你总会躲在父母的保护伞下。 Living alone, you build a better relationship with your parents because you cherish the time spent with them more. Living with family, you may argue with your parents something or find them annoying. 独自生活后,你会格外珍惜与家人相处的时间,从而建立更好的家庭关系。 与家人生活,你可能会时常与他们争吵。 Living alone, you are solely responsible for the decision you make. Living with family, your family gives you lots of suggestions or directions. 独自生活,你需要全权负责自己的决定。 与家人生活,父母总会给你太多建议。 Living alone, you are free to do whatever you like so you realize the importance of having a clear direction. Living with family, you tend to follow the lifestyle and habits of your family. 独自生活时,你可以自由选择自己想做的事,从而更加明白方向的重要。 与家人在一起,你往往会遵循父母的方式和喜好而生活。 Living alone, you are more likely to make mistakes but you can learn from them. Living with family, you are well protected so you can hardly learn from experience. 独自生活时,你看似会犯更多错,但你同时也从中获益。 与家人生活,你被保护的太好,反而难以从中获得经验 Living alone, you have more time and space to understand who you are. Living with family, you communicate with your family but not with yourself. 独自生活,你会有更多时间和空间来思考自己的存在。 与家人生活,你会更多的与家人交流,而不是与自己。 今日跟读金句 Living alone, you build a better relationship with your parents because you cherish the time spent with them more. 独自生活后,你会格外珍惜与家人相处的时间,从而建立更好的家庭关系。 Living with family, you can hide in a shelter. 与家人生活,你总会躲在父母的保护伞下。 Living with family, you communicate with your family but not with yourself. 与家人生活,你会更多的与家人交流,而不是与自己。