

2016-12-19    04'58''

主播: 认真的狐狸

146 3

五分钟日常节目【英语好词好句随便听】 本节目由认真的狐狸(weixin: ninjiaromantic)及【黑料学习青春版】(insidelearning2) 每天推送。 愿你:不被诱惑困扰~ 【好词】  willpower 【好句】 It takes strong willpower to overcome the temptation. 【好句分解】 willpower It takes (sb's) sth to do sth overcome  [ˌoʊvərˈkʌm]v.t. We can overcome any difficulties. temptation [tɛmpˈteʃən]n.u. resist the temptation; yield to temptation You will meet much evil in life; try not to yield to temptation.     你将在生活中遇到许多邪恶,千万不可受其诱惑。 Willpower is like a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it gets. ​