「陌声人•Slow Talk」章二 「愤怒的乔布斯•Angry Steve Jobs」

「陌声人•Slow Talk」章二 「愤怒的乔布斯•Angry Steve Jobs」

2017-10-21    12'04''

主播: 艾瑞克就是Eric

82 4

他走进停车场,他要去赶一场会议 他走向汽车,在打开车门的那一刹那 他问自己 如果今天是生命的最后一天,你会做什么? Taking her promise, he walked into the parking lot wanting to drive to another business meeting but when he was about to open the door He stopped to ask himself something something like what would you do if today were the last day of your life?