EP07. Rose&Maria - After all, and before anything, we are all people

EP07. Rose&Maria - After all, and before anything, we are all people

2019-12-25    108'21''

主播: 林林总总Podcast

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EP7. Rose&Maria - After all, and before anything, we are all people EP7. Rose&Maria - 终而复始,我们都是人 Hosts: Colin, Jennifer Guests: Rose Dekker, Maria AB 主持人:仰杨、Jennifer 嘉宾:Rose Dekker, Maria AB Merry Christmas, listeners! The 7th episode of A Great Bunch is a special episode for Christmas. And surprise! We have a guest host joining us. In today’s episode, I talk with Rose Dekker and Maria AB of B人BEL magazine. Rose is the chief editor, and Maria developed the concept and selects the stories in the magazine. We talked about how they created B人BEL magazine, the stories behind the name, the cover and the humans in the magazine. We talk about the man who shoulder the responsibility of carrying culture. We talk about the women, and many women, who choose her own values, with tension between expectations and freedoms. We also dive deep into how the magazine reveals the lives of the people behind labels. The edge they live on, the battle they share, the smile they still give. This is a great world of a great bunch of people, with their endless faults and feelings, their constant searching and struggling. But we should take a closer look, with the best hope that we can see, behind all labels, there is always a complete human being. From that point on, we connect, we live, then we grow. We find power in this realization: after all, and before anything, we are all people. 首先,大家圣诞快乐!林林总总的第七集是我们的圣诞特别节目,也是我们制作的第一个英文节目。今天,大家也能听到我们另一个主播Jennifer的声音。 这一集,我们的嘉宾是Rose和Maria。Rose是B人BEL杂志的主编,Maria是B人BEL杂志的概念及故事策划。在这一集里,我们聊了她们创作这本杂志的理念和过程,也聊了很多故事。杂志名字的故事,封面的故事,以及杂志中那些平凡动人的故事。 那个想要凭借一己之力传承文化的男人,那个想要坚持自我冲破社会桎梏的女人。以及很多女人的故事。她们的战斗和她们的自由。我们还聊到了少数群体。他们生活的边缘,他们行走的战场,和无论如何,他们面对世界的微笑。 大千世界,林林总总。我们都不完美,我们都很脆弱。我们不断地向着自己的光亮走,也都在途中发现,原来我也会摔倒。但是,请再凑近我一点,请再多看我一眼。标签背后,其实都是一个完整的人。我们向死而生。 希望我们都能找到力量,毕竟,终而复始,我们都是人。 Highlights: 1. The origin of the name of our podcast: A Great Bunch (林林总总) 2. Filling the gap by education in storytelling 3. Choose your own value, find your start 4. Social sector’s value is our shared value 5. How B人BEL magazine was created 6. The interesting story behind the name B人BEL 7. A beautiful street scene, an idea 8. The cover explained 9. Good human connection creates understanding and determines the quality of our lives 10. How philosophy influences the concept of B人BEL magazine 11. Beyond labels, there is always a complete human being 12. The tension between expectations and freedoms women face today 13. Question yourself and try to see different sides of the story 14. Let go self-defensiveness and self protectiveness and have a conversation 15. Live and grow, by losing and changing 16. Relax, see people as people 本集亮点: 1. 播客名字林林总总(A Great Bunch)的来源 2. 故事的教育作用,能够弥补意识上的差距 3. 选择价值,找到开始 4. 公益行业的价值,就是人类的价值 5. B人BEL杂志的创造过程 6. B人BEL这个名字背后的故事 7. 一段路,一幅景和一个点子 8. B人BEL封面解读 9. 人与人高质量的联结,带来理解,也决定了我们生活的质量 10. 哲学如何影响了B人BEL杂志的概念 11. 标签背后,我们都是一个完整的人 12. 社会观念和女性独立的冲突 13. 自省自问,看到故事的多面性 14. 卸下自我防备,在对话中探寻真相 15. 失去了,改变了,我活过,也能不断成长 16. 看到我们作为人的本质,是对自己的宽容 A Great Bunch is brought to you by ThatSpark. This episode is produced by Colin, with original music created by Wes Chen. 本期节目由仰杨制作,Wesley Chen提供原创音乐和后期支持。林林总总播客由悦享新知出品。