【听英语】  Are You My Mother

【听英语】 Are You My Mother

2014-04-07    05'00''

主播: 博雅小学堂

2354 190

Are You My Mother? A mother bird sat on her egg. 鸟妈妈坐在她的蛋上面。 The egg jumped. 鸟蛋跳了。 "Oh oh!" said the mother bird. "My baby will be here! He will want to eat!" “喔喔!”鸟妈妈说。“我的宝贝快出来了!他会想吃东西!” "I must get something for my baby bird to eat!" she said. "I will be back!" “我必须找点东西给我的鸟宝宝吃!”她说。“我会回来的!” So away she went. 然后她离开了。 The egg jumped. It jumped, and jumped, and jumped! 鸟蛋跳着。跳着,跳着,又跳着! Out came the baby bird! 鸟宝宝出来了! "Where is my mother?" “我的妈妈在哪里?” He looked for her. 他在找妈妈。 He looked up. He did not see her. 他向上看。他看不到妈妈。 He looked down. He did not see her. 他向下看。他看不到妈妈。 "I will go and look for her," he said. “我要出去找她。”他说。 So away he went. 所以,他离开家了。 Down, out of the tree he went. 掉下,从树上掉出来了。 Down, down, down! It was a long way down. 掉啊,掉啊,掉啊!很长距离的掉下来。 The baby bird could not fly. 鸟宝宝不会飞。 He could not fly, but he could walk. "Now I will go and find my mother," he said. 虽然他不会飞,但是他会走路。“现在我要走去找我的妈妈。”他说。 He did not know what his mother looked like. He went right by her. He did not see her. 他不知道妈妈的样子。他在妈妈的身边走过。他没有看到妈妈。 He came to a kitten. "Are you my mother?" he said to the kitten. 他向一只小猫走去。“你是我的妈妈吗?”他对小猫说。 The kitten just looked and looked. It did not say a thing. 小猫只是看了又看。一句话也没有说。 The kitten was not his mother, so he went on. 小猫不是他的妈妈,所以他继续走。 Then he came to a hen. "Are you my mother?" he said to the hen. 接着,他向一只母鸡走去。“你是我的妈妈吗?”他对母鸡说。 The kitten was not his mother. The hen was not his mother. So the baby bird went on. 小猫不是他的妈妈母鸡不是他的妈妈。所以,鸟宝宝继续走。 "I have to find my mother!" he said. "But where? Where is she? Where could she be?" “我必须要找到我的妈妈!”他说。“但是在哪里?她在哪里?她会在哪里?” Then he came to a dog. "Are you my mother?" he said to the dog. 接着,他走到一只狗那里。“你是我的妈妈吗?”他向狗说。 "I am not your mother. I am a dog," said the dog. “我不是你妈妈。我是狗。”狗说。 The kitten was not his mother. The hen was not his mother. The dog was not his mother. 小猫不是他的妈妈。母鸡不是他的妈妈。狗不是他的妈妈。 So the baby bird went on. Now he came to a cow. 所以鸟宝宝继续走。现在,他走到了一头牛那里。 "Are you my mother?" he said to the cow. “你是我的妈妈吗?”他对牛说。 "How could I be your mother?" said the cow. "I am a cow." “我怎么会是你的妈妈?”牛说。“我是牛。” The kitten and the hen were not his mother. The dog and the cow were not his mother. 小猫和母鸡不是他的妈妈。狗和牛不是他的妈妈。 Did he have a mother? 他真的有妈妈吗? "I did have a mother," said the baby bird. "I know I did. I have to find her. I will. I WILL!" “我真的有妈妈的,”鸟宝宝说。“我知道我有。我一定要找到她。我会。我一定会!” Now the baby bird did not walk. He ran! Then he saw a car. Could that old thing be his mother? No, it could not. 现在,鸟宝宝不走路了。他跑步!然后他看到了一辆小车。那辆旧东西会是他妈妈吗?不,它不会是。 The baby bird did not stop. He ran on and on. 鸟宝宝没有停下来。他跑啊跑。 Now he looked way, way down. He saw a boat. "There she is!" said the baby bird. 现在,他向着很低、很低的地方看。他看到一艘船。“妈妈就在那里!”鸟宝宝说。 He called to the boat, but the boat did not stop. The boat went on. 他向着船叫,但是船没有停下来。船继续走。 He looked way, way up. He saw a big plane. "Here I am, Mother," he called out. 他向很高、很高的地方看。他看到一部大飞机。“我在这里,妈妈,”他大叫。 But the plane did not stop. The plane went on. 但是飞机没有停下来。飞机继续飞。 Just then, the baby bird saw a big thing. This must be his mother! "There she is!" he said. "There is my mother!" 就在那时,鸟宝宝看到一个大东西。这一定是他的妈妈!“她在那里!”他说。“我妈妈在那里!” He ran right up to it. "Mother, Mother! Here I am, Mother!" he said to the big thing. 他跑到它那里。“妈妈,妈妈!我在这里,妈妈!”他对大东西说。 But the big thing just said, "Snort." "Oh, you are not my mother," said the baby bird. "You are a Snort. I have to get out of here!" 但是大东西只说,“哼。”“噢,你不是我妈妈,”鸟宝宝说。“你是哼。我要离开这里!” But the baby bird could not get away. The Snort went up. It went way, way up. And up, up, up went the baby bird. 但是鸟宝宝走不了。发出哼声的机器抬起来。抬得很高、很高。鸟宝宝也被抬得很高、很高。 But now, where was the Snort going? "Oh, oh, oh! What is this Snort going to do with me? Get me out of here!"