

2015-08-09    04'59''

主播: 苏三叶子

49 3

Core word: Fast Speedy 1 : moving or able to move quickly : fast or quick  a speedy car/boat 2 : happening quickly  a speedy process  They wished her a speedy recovery. Swift 1 : happening or done quickly or immediately  a swift and accurate response  a swift kick 2 : moving or able to move very fast  a swift horse/runner 驰骋的骏马/飞人  a swift river current 湍急的河流 Rapid 1 : happening in a short amount of time : happening quickly  a rapid [=quick] change in temperature  There's been rapid growth in the number of new businesses in the town.  Scientists are concerned about the rapid disappearance of the island's coral reefs.岛屿上短时间内消失的珊瑚礁石 2 : having a fast rate 很快的频率  a rapid heartbeat 急速的心跳,高频率的心跳  rapid breathing 急促的呼吸 3 : moving quickly  She carefully guided the boat through the rapid water. 湍急的水流 Hasty 1 a : done or made very quickly  Seeing the dog, the cat made/beat a hasty retreat up a tree. 撤回到树上 b : done or made too quickly  We don't want to make any hasty decisions. 仓促的决定  a hasty marriage 闪婚 Fleet ( 文学范的表达~) : very fast  a fleet runner  She is very fleet of foot. [=she is able to run very fast]