Play hardball真不是打棒球的意思哦

Play hardball真不是打棒球的意思哦

2017-06-07    03'58''

主播: 口语黑科技

67 2

今日俚语分享--态度强硬;不手软! Play hardball--态度强硬:不手软; 1.对原则性问题,rocky要大家都要态度强硬,不能让步! Rocky wants us to play hardball in the matter of principle! 2.涉及中国主权问题,中国态度强硬,不会让步! China plays hardball to the problem related to the sovereign rights! 小伙伴们,在原则性问题目前,我们一定要坚持自己态度哦,一定要play hardball 哦! 小伙伴们,喜欢今天rocky的节目,欢迎点赞,转发、分享或下载给你身旁更多小伙伴们哦^_^ Rocky is with on the way to study spoken English,and We bring joys to your perfect life^_^