英语客套话-monkey business

英语客套话-monkey business

2016-03-03    02'11''

主播: MrYang杨家成

17069 554

Hello everyone, I’m Jeremy. I finally updated and it’s been a while. I hope you are doing well. Did you miss me? I sure miss you. Welcome to daily English with you. 大家好 我是杨家成老师 好久不见 你过的好吗 有空多来我这坐坐 喝喝茶 谈谈人生 欢迎来到英语客套话 Tonight I’m gonna share with you another easy to use English phrase 今天又要教大家一句非常简单的英语 It’s monkey business, monkey business 来捣乱的 How do we use it you ask? It’s very easy heres how A: Omg, what the hell are you doing ah? B: Oh, I’m just here to help you cook. A: The more you help, the busier I get. Look at this kitchen, it’s soo dirty. B: I’m sorry John. I was just tryin to help. A: Stop this monkey business and get out of my kitchen before I kick your ass. B: Fine! You are so mean! Now you try, 一起说 Monkey business, monkey business Very good, and that concludes our today’s lesson, I’m Jeremy。I’m see you next time, 这里是英语客套话, 我是杨家成老师, 听完该要睡了 好梦 Good night!