

2016-10-13    06'46''

主播: Nick Yan

1672 36

Russian Hill is one of the highest points in the city of San Francisco. 俄罗斯山是旧金山市的最高点之一。 And the neighborhood’s name has a lot of history behind it. 这个街区的名字背后有很多的历史渊源。 Historian Andrew Zabegaylin says a Russian cemetery was once nearby.People discovered it in the early days of San Francisco, over 150 years ago. 历史学家安德鲁·扎伯盖林称,过去俄罗斯山街区附近曾有一座俄罗斯人墓地。早些年代,大约150年前,人们在旧金山发现了它。 That is when San Francisco was known for being the center of gold mining and trading in the United States. 那时,旧金山因作为美国的采金和贸易中心而众所周知。 Earlier in Northern California, traders and sailors from the Alaskan Russian American Company called San Francisco home.And that is where they were buried. 在早期的北加利福尼亚,来自阿拉斯加俄美公司的贸易商和船员都把旧金山称之为家。而那里也是埋葬他们的地方。 Some people call San Francisco “the Paris of the West.” But it has more Russian than French influences. 一些人称旧金山为“西方的巴黎”。但是,俄罗斯带给旧金山的影响远远高于法国。 For example, Holy Trinity Church was the first Russian church in the city.It opened in 1857 and was an important gathering place for Russian immigrants. 比如,圣三一教堂是旧金山的第一座俄罗斯教堂。教堂于1857年开放,是俄罗斯移民重要的聚集场所。 At the Holy Trinity Church, Saint Tikhon of Moscow once worked with worshippers. He became an American citizen in the early 1900s. Years later, he became Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.He led the Church from 1917-1925. 在圣三一教堂,莫斯科的主教吉洪曾与礼拜者一同工作过。他在20世纪早期成为了美国公民。几年后,他成为了俄罗斯东正教会的大牧首。他于1917年到1925年间,领导了教会。 San Francisco is also home to the Holy Virgin Cathedral.It is the largest Russian Orthodox church on the U.S. west coast. 旧金山还是神圣圣母大教堂的故乡。该教堂是美国西海岸最大的俄罗斯东正教会教堂。 A second group of Russian immigrants came to San Francisco after 1917, during Russia’s civil war. Their legacy is still felt at the Russian Center.At the center, you can visit the Museum of Russian Culture. 第二波俄罗斯移民在1917年后来到旧金山,当时俄罗斯正值十月革命内战。如今的俄罗斯中心依旧可以感受他们的气息。在俄罗斯中心,你能够拜访俄罗斯文化博物馆。 Yves Franquien is the director of the museum.He said it is the largest Russian museum in the West. 伊夫·弗兰基恩是该博物馆的馆长。他表示,这是美国西海岸最大的俄罗斯博物馆。 “Many Russian immigrants from around the world donated their personal and family artifacts,” Franquien said.This is a museum which reflects Russian life before and during the Bolshevik revolution and reflects the life of San Francisco’s Russian colony since the 1920s.” 弗兰基恩称,“许多世界各自的俄罗斯移民会捐赠他们个人或家庭拥有的手工艺品。”“这个博物馆反映了十月革命之前以及革命期间的俄罗斯生活,还反应了20世纪20年代以后旧金山俄罗斯聚集区的生活。” The Russian Center organizes events and classes for young people.They include kindergarten classes, dance classes and gymnastics.The center is also open to people who do not speak Russian. 俄罗斯中心会为年轻人组织活动并安排课程。这些课程包括幼儿园课程、舞蹈课和体操课。该中心也向不讲俄语的人开放。 Zoya Choglokova works at the center.She said the goal is not only to serve adults, but also help young people stay connected to their Russian roots. 卓娅·乔格洛科娃在俄罗斯中心工作。她表示,俄罗斯中心不仅仅旨在服务成年人,并且还帮助年轻人与他们的俄罗斯根脉相连。