

2017-07-30    07'49''

主播: Nick Yan

3196 23

Almost 20 years ago, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio starred together in the film Titanic. They played the movie’s two lovers, Rose and Jack. 凯特·维斯莱特和莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥共同出演电影《铁达尼号》,已经近20年了。他们在电影中扮演一对儿恋人,罗斯和杰克。 Ten years later, they appeared together in the 2008 film “Revolutionary Road.” 十年后,他们在2008年的《革命之路》中再次同框。 This week, Winslet and DiCaprio are coming together again. But it is not for a film. It is for a dinner. And one lucky fan will get to join them. 本周,维斯莱特和迪卡普里奥再次合体。不是为一部电影,而是一顿晚餐。并且只有一名幸运粉丝可以和他们一起进餐。 The prize of a private dinner is part of the yearly fundraising event for the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. The organization gives money to environmental causes. Last year’s auction raised $45 million. Famous guests like Bono, Mariah Carey and Bradley Cooper attended the event. 私人晚宴的奖励是莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥年度慈善活动的一部分。该组织筹集资金用于改善环境。去年的拍卖额高达4500万美金。著名嘉宾邦奥、玛丽亚·凯莉和布莱德利·库珀均出席了活动。 This year’s gala takes place on July 26 in southern France. 今年的盛会在7月26日法国南部举行。 The person who offers the most money will win the dinner with the Titanic co-stars. The dinner reportedly must take place in October or November in New York City, because of the two stars’ busy schedules. 出资最多的将与《铁达尼号》参演明星共同进餐。据说该晚宴必须在纽约的10月份或者是11月份开始,因为两位明星的行程很紧。 News of the dinner made DiCaprio and Winslet trending topics on social media. Many said they were excited at the idea of Winslet and DiCaprio being together again. 该晚宴的新闻使得莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥成为社交媒体头条。大众们表示他们再次看见维斯莱特和迪卡普奥合体很兴奋。 But some posts described the costly prize as a chance to be a “third wheel” on a romantic dinner date. 但是,一些人将获得高价晚宴参与资格的粉丝形容为浪漫约会的“电灯泡” A “third wheel” is a person who is not needed or is ignored in a situation. “电灯泡”的意思就是在特定环境下,不被需要或者是被忽略的人。