

2017-10-08    07'31''

主播: Nick Yan

194 5

Earlier this month, the Italian city of Pisa held the First International Festival of Robotics. 这个月初,意大利比萨举办了第一届国际机器人节。 During the festival, a robot did something incredible at Pisa’s Verdi Theater.It lifted a baton and conducted the Lucca Philharmonic orchestra.The orchestra featured the famous Italian singer Andrea Bocelli. 节日期间,一个机器人在比萨威尔第剧院出尽了风头。它举着指挥棒,指挥起了卢卡爱乐乐团。这个乐团因意大利歌唱家安德烈·波伽利而闻名。 The robot is named YuMi – from the phrase “You and me.”It learned all of the necessary movements from Andrea Colombini, the orchestra’s usual conductor.Colombini held the robot’s arms while the orchestra practiced so that the computer could memorize the correct movements. 这个机器人叫YuMi——来源自短语“你和我”。它的所有动作都是模仿平时的指挥家安德烈·科隆比尼的动作。科隆比尼在管弦乐队练习的时候举着机器人的胳膊,这样,电脑就记下了正确的指挥动作。 “We basically had to find time to understand his movements. When we found the way, everything was pretty easy,” said Colombini. “基本上我们不得不花点时间来理解它的动作。等找到感觉了,事情就变得容易多了,”科隆比尼说道。 Colombini added that the robot’s technicians were very good.They made “everything perfect, especially in the length and the speed of the gesture, which is very important,” he said. 科隆比尼说操控机器人的技术人员非常棒。他们让“一切都很完美,尤其是(身体)动作的长短和快慢,这非常重要。”他说道。 YuMi is not able to act in unexpected ways.He would have been unable to answer a sudden change in tempo by the musicians. YuMi不能应对突发情形。音乐家们如果突然变了节奏,它就反应不过来了。 YuMi successfully conducted three of the 18 musical works performed that night, including one famous song from Verdi’s opera Rigoletto. 那天晚上,YuMi成功指挥了18首音乐曲目中的3首,包括威尔第著名歌剧《弄臣》中的曲目。