A Mother's Prayer母亲的祈祷

A Mother's Prayer母亲的祈祷

2016-05-08    03'43''

主播: Mike老迈袭常英语

294 12

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 祝福天下所有的母亲! A Mother's Prayer 母亲的祈祷 I pray you'll be my eyes 我祈祷您是我的双眼 And watch her where she goes 看着她远行的地方 And help her to be wise 帮助她使她拥有智慧 Help me to let go 帮助我放手让她飞翔 Every mother's prayer 每一位母亲的祈祷 Every child knows 每一个孩子都知道 Lead her to a place 引领她去一个地方 Guide her with your grace 用您的恩泽引导她 To a place where she'll be safe 去到一个平安之所 I pray she finds your light 我祈祷她可以找到您的光亮 And holds it in her heart 并且用心抓住它 As darkness falls each night 在每个黑幕降临的夜晚 Remind her where you are 提醒她您的方向 Every mother's prayer 每一位母亲的祈祷 Every child knows 每一个孩子都知道 Need to find a place 需要找到一个地方 Guide her with your grace 用您的恩泽引导她 Give her faith so she'll be safe 赐予她忠诚使她平安 Lead her to a place 引领她去一个地方 Guide her with your grace 用您的恩泽引导她 To a place where she'll be safe 使她保有幸福平安