FASHION NEWS: 第二期  希腊博主的holiday style

FASHION NEWS: 第二期 希腊博主的holiday style

2017-06-05    09'05''

主播: 小编Abby

207 12

Don’t call me (beach) babe. Holiday style by Athens’coolest resident, Evangelie Smyrniotaki Evangelie Smyrniotaki, aka founder of the blog Style Heroine has a lot to answer for; time dies when you scroll through her Instagram feed. Her look is next-level and her lifestyle pure jet set, but Smyrniotaki is a firm believer in the old adage ‘there’s no place like home’. Born in the picturesque port town of Nafplio, Greece, she moved to Athens when she was 17. 1.babe 美 ['beib]n. 婴⼉,⼩孩;⼥孩;天真幼稚的⼈ 2.Athens美 ['æθɪnz] n. 雅典(希腊⾸都) 3.aka=also known as 的缩写,⼜称,⼜叫做 4.heroine 美['hɛroɪn] n. ⼥英雄,是hero的衍⽣词,就是古代说的⼱帼英雄, 5.scroll through her Instagram feed 浏览她的ins照⽚ 6 “Jet Set”也是美国时装品牌 Michael Kors 的精神,就是指“即使在在路上”,也依然很奢侈、性感、 魅⼒⼗⾜。 7.adage 美 ['ædɪdʒ] n. 格⾔,谚语;箴⾔ 8.picturesque 美 [,pɪktʃə'rɛsk] adj. ⽣动的;别致的;⻛景如画的 picturesque landscape 江⼭如 画 ,⻛景如画 9.port 美 [pɔrt] n. 港⼝,⼝岸; 10. Nafplio [希腊] 纳夫普利奥