

2017-09-10    12'05''

主播: 德成之声

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为2017年教师节特别重录 六小龄童人生感言[玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰] 我们每一个人都有人生的一部经,你们都是去西天取经的行者,都要经历九九八十一难才能取得真经成正果。我想送给所有人一句话,也是我多年来的一个座右铭:苦练72变,笑对81难。当你一无所有时,坚持;等你拥有一切的时候,淡定。 Each one of us has a volume of sacred texts about life. You all have a journey to the west and have to experience many sufferings to get there. Here's a message I'd like to send to everyone, which is also my motto for many years: Practice your 72 transformations, then smile to your 81 trials. When you have nothing, hold on; When you want nothing, calm down. [得意]