❀纪伯伦 · 沙与沫❀ 009

❀纪伯伦 · 沙与沫❀ 009

2016-07-08    04'26''

主播: 七寻&佈依

576 11

Give me an ear and I will give you a voice. Our mind is a sponge; our heart is a stream. Is it not strange that most of us choose sucking rather than running? When you long for blessings that you may not name, and when you grieve knowing not the cause, then indeed you are growing with all things that grow, and rising toward your greater self. When one is drunk with a vision, he deems his faint expression of it the very wine. You drink wine that you may be intoxicated; and I drink that it may sober me from that other wine. When my cup is empty I resign myself to its emptiness; but when it is half full I resent its half-fulness. The reality of the other person is not in what he reveals to you, but in what he cannot reveal to you. Therefore, if you would understand him, listen not to what he says but rather to what he does not say. Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it so that the other half may reach you. 给我一只耳朵,我会给你一种声音。 我们的思绪是一块海绵,我们的心怀是一条水流。 我们大多宁肯啜饮而不愿奔涌,这不奇怪吗? 当你渴望无名的祝福,心怀莫名的悲伤, 你便真的与万物同生,你便上升,向着更高的自我。 当一个人沉醉于幻象,他必将把他迷朦的神情视为真正的美酒。 你畅饮是为了醉,我喝酒是为了从另一种酒中醒来。 酒杯空空之时,我让自己消退于它的空空。 酒杯半满之时,我却怨恨它的半满。 人的真实,不在于他向你展示的,而在于他没有向你展示的。 因而,如果你想懂他,别听他所说出的,而要听他没有说出的。 我所说的一半毫无意义,但我说出来,为的是你能领会另一半 微博 @柒步InternetRadio 同步更新节目,音乐。