【和Emily一起练口语】Not really

【和Emily一起练口语】Not really

2015-09-20    03'20''

主播: 英语主播Emily

945 19

更多英语资讯关注微信公众号:Emily_aiyingyu Not really...并不完全,,, Do you hate other's smoking in the office?Not really. 你讨厌别人在办公室抽烟吗?不完全是。 Do you think we can get to the station on time?Not really,unless we take a taxi. 你认为我们可以准时到达车站吗?不一定,除非我们乘坐一辆出租车。 A:The road ahead is blocked,There might have been an accident. 前面路被堵住了,也许出了事故。 B:Are there many accidents in the city every day? 城市里每天都有那么多交通事故吗? A:Not really,but they are on the rise. 并不是很多 ,不过在不断上升。 B:Please drive slowly,we've got lots of time,safety first. 请慢点开,我们有很多时间,安全第一。 背景音乐:lovestoned-bye bye bye