【商务版 | 和Emily一起练口语】I can't make it that early.

【商务版 | 和Emily一起练口语】I can't make it that early.

2018-12-31    06'22''

主播: 英语主播Emily

824 12

A: Hello. 你好。 B: Hello, is Doris available? 你好,多丽丝在吗? A: This is Doris. Who's calling, please? 我就是多丽丝,请问您是哪位? B: Hi Doris, this is Mike calling from perker 's Dentistry, I'm calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow morning at 9 am with Dr. parker.  你好,多丽丝,我是帕克牙科医院的迈克。我打电话是想确认一下你明天上午九点与帕克医生的预约有没有问题。 A: Oh, I almost forgot. Thank you for calling to remind me. Actually I do need to change the time of my appointment. I have a scheduling  conflict. and I can't make it that early.  噢,我差点忘了。谢谢你打电话提醒我。事实上,我确实需要改一下预约时间。我的行程安排有点冲突,所以我无法那么早到医院。 B: If I put you in at a later spot, would that work out? 如果我把你往后排,那样可以吗? A: It would have to be after lunch. Do you have anything available before 2 o'clock?  那得午饭以后。2点前你们有空吗? B: Sorry ma'm. The only opening we have after lunch is 1:15, but I might be able to put you in after 4. Would that be a better time? 对不起,夫人。午饭后唯一的空缺时间是1:15,不过我能把你加在4点以后。这个时间是不是会更合适? A: That's all right, I think I should be able to make it at 1:15. Can you put me down for that time slot? 那好吧。我想我能在1:15赶到。你能把我名字记在这个时间段吗? B: No problem. I have appointment changed from tomorrow morning to tomorrow afternoon at 1:15.  没问题。我把你明天上午的预约时间改到明天下午1:15。 A: Wonderful, thanks very much.  太好了。非常感谢。