「和Yaya一起练口语」on the second thought

「和Yaya一起练口语」on the second thought

2015-12-29    03'01''

主播: 英语主播Yaya

242 9

on the second thought仔细想了之后,,如果你想改变主意,就可以用这句话,这句话的意思是“经过第二思考后”,表示你做了新的决定。 on the second thought,I'm going home on this vacation. 仔细想了之后,我打算回家休假。 I'll do it,On the second thought . 仔细思考之后,我决定做这件事。 On the second thought,I won't tell her the truth. 仔细思考后,我打算不告诉她真像。 A:Would you care for a cup of coffee? 你想要来一杯咖啡吗? B:No ,thank you. 不了,谢谢。 A:I'm going to get one for myself,they make really good coffee here. 我打算给我自己要一杯,这儿的咖啡真的很棒。 B:On the second thought,I will have a cup. 经过仔细思考,我决定还是来一杯。 背景音乐:Aga-better me