The Sound of Silence-唱英文歌学发音入门第三十一课

The Sound of Silence-唱英文歌学发音入门第三十一课

2016-12-03    42'11''

主播: Scott1105

9455 225

Scott零基础英语 个人微信号:saboteurscott 微信公众号:唱英文歌学发音 生词解析: 1.Creep [kri:p] vi. 爬行,匍匐; 缓慢地行进 2.Cobblestone [ˈkɔbləstəun] n. 圆石,鹅卵石 3.Collar [ˈkɒlə(r)] n.衣领; 领子; (狗等的) 项圈; (管子或机器部件的) 圈 4.Stab [stæb] vt.刺; 刺; 将…刺入; 对…做出刺或戳的动作; 5.Neon [ˈni:ɒn] n.霓虹灯 6.Raindrop [ˈreɪndrɒp] n.雨点,雨滴 7.Prophet [ˈprɒfɪt] n. 预言家,先知 8. Tenement[ˈtenəmənt] n.房屋,住户.. 9.Whisper [ˈwɪspə(r)] vt.私语; 低声说; 密谈 Hello darkness, my old friend, 你好,我的老朋友黑暗 I’ve come to talk with you again, 我又来跟你谈天了 Because a vision softly creeping, 有一幅画面在涌动 Left its seeds while I was sleeping, 当我入眠时留下了种子 And the vision that was planted in my brain 这个种在我脑中的画面 Still remains 仍旧存在 Within the sound of silence. 存在于这寂静之声中 In restless dreams I walked alone 在这些不休的梦中我独自行走 Narrow streets of cobblestone, 在狭窄的鹅卵石道路上, ’Neath the halo of a street lamp, 在街灯的光环之下 I turned my collar to the cold and damp 我竖起领子来抵御酷寒和潮冷 When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 而我的眼睛突然被霓虹灯的强光刺到 That split the night 这强烈之光划破了夜空 And touched the sound of silence. 并触动了寂静之声 And in the naked light I saw 在裸光下, Ten thousand people, maybe more. 我看见成千上万的人们。 People talking without speaking, 人们漫不经心的聊着天 People hearing without listening, 充耳不闻的在倾听 People writing songs that voices never share 人们的歌曲,从未也不敢发出 And no one dare 内心的声音 Disturb the sound of silence. 来打扰这寂静之音 “Fools” said I,”You do not know 愚蠢的人们,我说,你们不知道 Silence like a cancer grows. 这沉默就像癌细胞一样生长 Hear my words that I might teach you, 听我的话我也许能教你 Take my arms that I might reach you.” 挽起手我就能抓到你 But my words like silent raindrops fell, 但是我的话就好像雨滴跌落 And echoed 和回响 In the wells of silence 在这沉默的深井中 And the people bowed and prayed 人们向他们所塑造的“霓虹神灵” To the neon god they made. 弯腰鞠躬并祈祷 And the sign flashed out its warning, 然而突然闪现出了警戒之语 In the words that it was forming. 一句句的展现开来 And the signs said,“The words of the prophets 这个迹象显示:“预言家的言论 are written on the subway walls 在地铁道的墙壁上 And tenement halls.” 贫民窟的廊壁上” And whispered in the sounds of silence. 并在这寂静之音下喃喃自语。