Issue 40 新西兰人为什么不穿鞋

Issue 40 新西兰人为什么不穿鞋

2016-09-15    06'02''

主播: EffieCai

272 7

In New Zealand we wear either no shoes or just those ‘jandels’ (or flip flops, thongs or slippers, depending on what part of the world you are from). For the most part we are a nation of bare-footers. Kids go to school regularly without wearing shoes, or upon arrival kick them off never to be seen again until winter when footwear is sought after. The only time it is mandatory to wear foot wear is in Factories and certain business, where closed toed shoes are a safety requirement, but generally speaking, shoes are optional. I regularly misplace my shoes once I’ve kicked them off in either the car or upon entering someone’s home, and don’t miss them until I go searching for them the next time I go to put them on.