lesson 357

lesson 357

2018-12-15    02'02''

主播: zhe_zhe

147 2

That's the most important point, for us, it was to be respected by people all from the city, that I am a country boy, but I'm excellent too. I think it's a turn of the fate. So I really feel like the moms in China really need to open their eyes and realize that the world is within their grasp. They just need to believe that they can do it. I believe it's something that is lacking with the moms in China. They always like to share and like, but they need to keep faith and resolve and implement. I actually told my manager several times. I told him about my desire to learn new things and take on new challenges, but there aren't many opportunities in my current group. I believe in being straightforward, and I told my manager on numerous occasions that I was interested in taking on more responsibilities. However, my current group doesn't have opportunities I'm looking for. After working the night shift for a couple of years, I wanted normal working hours. I told my manager about this, but there were no positions available for regular hour shifts. My biggest complaint is that there are no opportunities to grow. My manager tells me I'm doing great work, but I feel I am stuck at this level. I spoke with my manager for more work so I can grow and gain more experience, but unfortunately, there isn't any work to give. I even had a discussion about changing roles, but because there is no open headcount in other divisions, it was hard to do that. So I definitely conveyed my desire for more work or for change, but it was something they couldn't provide.
上一期: lesson 356
下一期: lesson 358