口语第十天:过安检(security channel)

口语第十天:过安检(security channel)

2019-08-03    09'55''

主播: 海驴英语

166 3

Watch [wɒtʃ] 手表 Wallet ['wɒlɪt] 钱包 Laptop ['læptɒp] 手提电脑 Electronics [ɪlek'trɒnɪks] 电子产品 Keys ['kiːz] 钥匙 Basket ['bɑːskɪt] 篮子 Shoes [ʃu:z] 鞋子 Lighter ['laɪtə] 打火机 Liquids [ˈlɪkwɪdz] 液体 Stand behind the line. Focus on the cam.( look at the cam) Is there any electronic products in your bag? Take out your laptop, camera, wallet,phone , and put them in the basket. Take off your coat. Take off your shoes. Stretch your arms and turn around.